Random Sunday Thoughts

The Poison Ivy is on the ebb. Thank the good Lord! When it started to spread on Friday I popped some strong antihistamines every 6 hours to stop it. I’d been avoiding it because unlike everyone else in the world, when the label reads, “Caution: Causes Drowsiness.” it’s just the opposite for me. These darn things rev me up and put me in hyper drive. But I could not stand the itching any longer and the spreading of the rash was getting worrisome. Thankfully, now I think I can stop taking those and just let it all dry up.

The sun is out today after a couple of gray rainy days. However the wind is up, with gusts of 20-25 miles an hour. I was out earlier with the pups and felt the warm air blowing around me. It felt good!

Shubi seems completely healed at this point. I need to go in and get some food at the Vets for her to try. It’s food specifically for dogs with liver disease. I plan to do a study myself and see what’s what.

Fritz goes in tomorrow for a teeth cleaning. This is the first shepherd I have had who doesn’t like to A) eat and B) chew bones. Thus he has all this crud on his teeth already. I keep trying to entice the boy, but he is just not interested in food stuff period!

Greta however, has no trouble chewing. I get 8 inch compressed rawhide bones and she reduces them to almost nothing in less than a day! She also insists in sleeping with her rawhides. When we go to bed, I carry her in to our room, with a rawhide bone clenched in her teeth! It is too funny!

Busy week here in the country. Monday, Fritz to the Vet, Tuesday, me to the eye doctor, Wednesday, me to the hairdresser, otherwise known as the “Fountain of Youth”!!! And Thursday, me to my other doctor. That leaves Friday for sort of vegging and doing things like laundry and stuff.

Enjoy the day!!!!

2 thoughts on “Random Sunday Thoughts”

  1. Cute doggies!
    I can just see Greta carrying her rawhide to bed with her!
    I got a 2 year old Siberian Husky from the pound about 9 years ago and got him a rawhide bone and it was gone in one minute! He ate it like a potatoe chip! I was shocked! I miss him. He died after 5 years with me.

  2. Glad to hear both you and Shubi are on the mend! I’m off to take Max & Wolf for a nice long walk in the woods, meeting Krista & Eddie (her dog) there. It’s beeeyoootiful out today!!!

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