Back In The Saddle

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After several weeks of madness and mayhem with my eating, I reigned myself in on New Year’s Eve. I planned my meals, started to weigh and measure things, and removed all sugary things from my diet.

The first couple of days were hairy, but I am back in the groove again and this week I lost 4 pounds. Now I am sure most of that is water weight, but I will take it.

My goal this year is to get to my goal weight and stay there.

It is so hard to admit that you are not only a sugar addict, but that the things you love to eat are laden with sauces, breading, and are calorie and carbohydrate filled.


So yes, I am a sugar addict and a carboholic! I need to become a bunny rabbit who eats their leafy greens! Or an eagle that swoops down and grabs a fresh fish for its meal!

How did you all do over the holiday? Did Santa leave you with more pounds than gifts?

Next year I do not plan to indulge the way I did this year. I will limit my celebrations to Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. That really is enough.

So for now, on this 5th day of January, I am Back In The Saddle Again!


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