She was born Rosamond Ruth Prussman, to parents Frederick and Mary on June 28, 1929. She had a much-loved older brother, Robert, and a cousin George (who grew up like a brother). In fact, until the day they passed, they really adored each other.
Mom’s brother, Robert, and his wife Cynthia.
Aunt Betty, Larry, Janet, and Uncle George.
She met my Dad when she was 13 and she was dancing and my Dad played the piano. I asked Dad once what made him look twice at Mom and he said “It was a bright red sweater that she was wearing! She looked so beautiful in it! I was hooked!”
A collage of their life together.
They married early on, and Dad finished getting his teaching degree. They moved to Monument Beach, Massachusetts,
and lived in a little white cottage in the Burtonwood section, where my brother, Richard, and my sister Melodie were born.
Then they moved to Falmouth, Massachusetts, and shortly after, Mom had me.
My parent’s stayed married for well over 60 years.
Mom was with him until the end of his life, and really until the end of hers too. She never remarried. I think in her mind and her heart she was always Jimmie’s girl!
Her last days were spent, not in fear of dying, no, Mom knew Jesus Christ and she knew she would see Dad again. She just worried about Mel and me and all of our cousins.
Me, Mel & Janet with Mom.
This was the last time we were together before Mom was diagnosed with Liver Cancer. It was a wedding. Mom was so happy to be with us all. I almost didn’t go because of my facial surgery, but I am so glad I did now. Seeing her so happy and sharing that day with her, left us all with wonderful memories.
The last time I saw her, at Hospice Care, Mel and I, sat there, with Janet and the four of us were talking quietly. I asked Mom how we would know if she was with us. She smiled and said, “You will see butterflies, and that will be me.” This really surprised me because she always had related to beautiful flowers in the past.
But you know what? We see beautiful butterflies all the time. And we smile!
Happy Birthday, Mom!
It is so great that you have many family photos, especially the really old ones.