The Weekend Wrap ~ February 21st

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Well, February is nearly done, and the Olympics in China is done, so here are some of my thoughts on February, the Olympics, and life in general.

  • This may be the worst Olympics I have witnessed. The cheating with people doping was bad enough, but to have the International Olympic Committee allow the 15-year-old to skate after she failed a blood test with three different heart medications in her system, is beyond me. They claim they were protecting her, but what they did was just the opposite.
  • I knew that fifteen-year-old Kamila Valieva, wouldn’t be able to handle the pressure and her last skate was a disaster. And after she had her meltdown, she was then abused by her horrible blond coach, this left me angry. I wanted to hug that little girl. I truly fear for her wellbeing.
  • I also found the people who were American-born, or Canadian-born, who switched their loyalties to another country, pretty upsetting. What’s that old saying, “I am who I am”. If I suddenly changed my allegiance to Germany or any other country it’s simply being dishonorable to myself and my country of birth. It was repulsive to me.
  • I also found that the Chinese made it very difficult for everyone who came to compete but their own athletes! Those who tested positive (I will not even go into that.) were kept in isolated hotel rooms that were little more than prisons. No hot food, no place for them to work out. And really, no way for the team doctors to examine them.
  • Since I subscribed to Peacock I was able to see certain events in their entirety. All the ski jumping, ice skating, etc. I liked that. But felt bad for people who did not have a streaming service.
  • Heidi is growing and changing every minute.20220219_145643She is simply so beautiful with a personality to match. I am just the luckiest dackel Mama!


3 thoughts on “The Weekend Wrap ~ February 21st”

  1. While I am not particularly interested in the Winter Olympics, your view on matters is interesting. And wasn’t Russia competing under an altered name because it had been banned because of drug cheating?

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