The Friday Five ~ May 13th

The Friday FiveThis week passed with some work around the house and some taking care of Heidi. In the end, it all worked out.

  1. Monday found me driving Heidi to the Vet. She is fine now but it seems that her little tummy is sensitive to rawhide bones.

    2022-05-12_08-33-53Oh my goodness, Heidi needs some work on her hair-do!

  2. Each day the weather reported an increase in our temperatures. Our house has no shade trees and so we quite literally bake! Today a friend of ours, Bryan came and in no time he and his 3 years old son had all 5 air conditioners installed.
  3. It’s such a pretty time of year here. The grass is emerald green and today the skies were robins egg blue. Just beautiful!
  4. On Friday I go in to see my Primary Care Nurse Practitioner. I’ve been having a few problems. So, although I am glad to be going in to see her, I am also a bit on the nervous side.
  5. Lastly, Mandy, Matt, and the kids are coming up on Saturday for a visit. I can hardly wait. This Oma needs a hug!

I wish you all a very happy weekend. I hope wherever you are, you can take a few moments to enjoy the beauty of nature!


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