This was a quiet week. Severely cold and one of those weeks when you only want to snuggle up with a warm doggy. And so it was.
- As you recall, I was diagnosed with diabetes in August. I was placed on Ozempic. I must tell you that people have not been kind about my having to take this drug. They claim this is like cheating to lose weight.
- Well, I am not taking it to lose weight. I am taking it to bring my sugar levels down as well as my A1C.
- Ozempic is also supposed to help with weight problems. Since the end of July, my sugar levels have decreased, and I have lost 34 pounds.
- Diabetes causes your body to be unable to digest sugars correctly. Ozempic seems to be working for me.
- Today, I have an appointment with my primary care to go over a few health problems. It is like you leap over 65, and suddenly, your body stops working.
Have a great weekend, and stay warm!