The Friday Five ~ July 26th

The Friday FiveAs this week has passed, I feel a little stronger each day. I am still napping each day and sleeping 10-12 hours each night. Here’s a quick list of my week.

  1. We’ve had an abundance of wildlife passing through the yard, including bears,

    groundhogs, foxes, and deer.

    I used to jump up and try to take a picture. Now, I stand still, and I enjoy the moment!

  2. The weather has been a bit nicer—cooler and drier. I will say that this July has been an odd month. The start was so hot, and we had an actual heat wave, and now it is so much nicer.
  3. After a year of not making coffee (Jack was the big coffee drinker), I finally stored my 14-cup coffee maker. I’ve been drinking instant coffee, but I’m much happier drinking tea.
  4. Now, I need to rearrange my kitchen shelves. I know that sounds easy, but I need to make it all workable.
  5. I have been streaming Grey’s Anatomy. I never watched it early on, but I do love it. It has excellent writing, great acting, and great characters.

It looks like our weekend will be a good one. I hope you all find some time to kick back and enjoy!


The Friday Five ~ July 19th

The Friday FiveTime is passing rather slowly right now. I have been down and out since I returned from my trip. I was first diagnosed with pneumonia and then Covid. I ran a fever from June 12 – July 15.

2024-07-04-18-55-16-507It has not been fun. But…here’s what has been happening.

  1. Heidi has been my nurse all of this time. She sits in my lap. Perhaps because it’s been nice and warm there.
  2. I did lose the sense of taste. This made it tough to eat or stay hydrated. But I made it and I think the worst of that is over.
  3. Now I’ve been sleeping a lot. My favorite things these day are my afternoon naps. I have to laugh about this because I remember hating naps as a child. Now it’s best part of my day.
  4. I have planned to get my screen porch reworked. I decided to enclose it with real windows. Thus it will become a three-season room.
  5. I have also been streaming Grey’s Aatomy. Having never watched it I have been able to watch episode after episode and really enjoyed it.

Have a great weekend everyone!

The Friday Five ~ June 28th

The Friday FiveGood morning to you all. I am finally feeling a bit better from pneumonia. I am still coughing and still tired, but I am so much better. Nevertheless, here is this week’s Friday Five.

  1. My carpenter has now ordered new windows for the screened porch. When we built the house, someone made windows you could pull up and hook to the ceiling. After 24 years, they are falling apart, and since I am not tall, I need standard windows. This will help me make this a three-season porch.
  2. Lili and Heidi are going to be groomed on Sunday. Poor Lili has about three coats of fur, so my house is full of her fur! Heidi looks like a ragga muffin and will also be washed and groomed.
  3. I am planning a short trip to the grocery store today. I finally have an appetite and need some good, healthy food.
  4. Today would have been my Mom’s 95th birthday. Happy Heavenly Birthday, Mom.

    Family Party June 26, 2010 027

  5. Lastly, it is nice to feel better. When I take my next trip, I will also take extra vitamins to keep myself healthy.

Have a great weekend!

The Friday Five ~A Day Early

The last week slipped right on by. It went fast for me because I fell ill with pneumonia on Saturday afternoon. I felt I was running a fever and had a small one. I decided to go to the walk-in clinic.

  1. The doctor listened to my congested lungs. She ordered a chest X-ray, and since I had bloodwork done a few days before, she looked those over as well.
  2. I was ordered antibiotics and a nebulizer. I was told to go home and drink copious amounts of juice and water.
  3. My neighbor was kind enough to get my prescription, and I got straight into my pajamas, grabbed my blanket, and fell asleep on the recliner.
  4. The next few days found me asleep most of the time. The coughing was terrible, and my fever spiked up to 102.7 at one point. I promised myself that if it hit 103, I would call for help.
  5. When I woke up on Wednesday, my fever had broken. Although I still feel weak and tired, I am on the upswing.

So that was my week. I am glad it is nearly over, and I am starting to feel better.

Happy Weekend!

Sig file for Dackel

The Friday Five ~ June 7th

Good Friday Morning to you all. What a marvelous cruise it has been. It has been wonderful to be out and about, meeting new people, and seeing many new places. As you know, my feet swelled, and here is what happened in the last few days.

  1. I noticed the swelling was increasing.20240606_105206
    I also had a rash on my legs that looked like chicken pox or measles. 20240606_105215They both itched and hurt at the same time. I admit to getting a wee bit frantic. 20240606_070519
    I SOS’d my dear friend, a retired Nurse Practitioner, and my niece, an active RN. Both advised me to see the ship’s doctor.
  2. At 3 PM, I headed to sick bay. Thank you for picking up extra insurance, Miss Maribeth!!
  3. I was diagnosed with severe edema and put on meds. I was also instructed to go to bed, putting my feet up and resting.
  4. So, while in bed, I folded clothes to put in the suitcase, secured the little trinkets I had gotten for my loved ones and started packing.
  5. Two cases are done, and just my small overnight case to go.

So, my much-anticipated cruise is coming to an end. I have had a blast, and I rested for the first time in nearly a year. I’m not going to lie to ya, it felt delicious!


The Friday Five ~ May 17th

The Friday FiveLife seems to be speeding by right now. A trip I planned last December will begin on Wednesday, and I am sure that too will go by quickly. So here are the things I am thinking about this morning.

  1. The first part of my trip involves flying from Boston to Heathrow Airport. When I clear customs, I expect a handsome British man to greet me and drive me to Southampton.
  2. I will meet Jessica, my stepdaughter, at MacDonald Botley Grange and Spa. It’s a lovely hotel with a British pub and a restaurant where we can have tea.
  3. They also have a spa where one can have their nails done or swim. But best of all, I will be seeing Jessica again.
  4. So, now on to packing. I am attempting to bring only two carry-ons. I’m using packing cubes, which seem to be doing their job of compacting my clothes so far. The killer is traveling with my medications in their original containers. Having those at the top of your carry-on is also advised.
  5. Since my hair is very short (and appears not to be growing back), I will not carry my blow dryer. My hair is naturally curly, so I will do a lot of scrunching.

That’s it for today. I will try to write while I am gone. Pictures too. I can hardly wait.


The Friday Five March 26th

I haven’t written in a while. I never dreamed that painting, getting a new carpet, and painting the bathroom would be crazy busy. But it was, and here is why.

  1.  I needed to get rid of my old bedroom furniture. Not only was it over 50 years old, but it was flat and offered me no comfort.
  2. So, I sold the kingsize bed with sheets, blankets, and two dressers to a young couple for $50.00. It made me feel good.
  3. My carpenter came in and took the bathroom apart. Painting was done, and I have a new shower and vanity. My washer and dryer are now in the bathroom where my jacuzzi once sat.
  4. Everything was finished, and on Monday, the new bed arrived. Since my spinal surgery, I have slept in a recliner. Now, I have an adjustable bed.
  5. I slept there last night, and it was an excellent, deep sleep.



dackel in bed

The Friday Five ~ March 29th


Another week has slipped by, and another month, as well. There has been so much happening.

  1. The bathroom renovation is done, and the washer and dryer are in working condition! I am slowly setting up the vanity, and soon, I will set up the shower with my shampoo and soap. I love it.
  2. Easter is upon us. My cousins are coming on Saturday. It will be their first visit since the bathroom reno. I am excited.
  3. Easter is on Sunday. I have no plans, so I decided to make myself a meal my grandmother used to make: Lamb, baked potato, and asparagus.
  4. It’s a first. Likewise, the 9th of April would have been our 36th wedding anniversary. I’ve never done this alone before, but I am learning that I have to do this myself from now on.
  5. I will head to England in a few weeks to see my stepdaughter. It’s been far too long since we last saw each other.

So that’s the latest. I wish you all a very Happy Easter!


The Friday Five ~ March 22nd

20200206_160117When I hoped for early spring, it was announced that we would get more snow on Saturday! So, here is an old picture of the Lake before I had the trees removed! And, here we go.

  1. I decided to redo my bathroom. After 24 years, it simply was time. I did not feel bad as the old was removed, and the new stuff was ordered.
  2. My goal wasn’t just painting. I have taken the old jacuzzi out, and they have redone the flooring and painted it. In its place, there will now be a washer and dryer. There will be no more stairs carrying a heavy laundry basket downstairs or upstairs. I will have a great corner shower, too.
  3. The dogs and I have enjoyed having these folks around. The bathroom is coming out so well they’re scheduled to paint my bedroom. I finally decided to get an adjustable bed. With this neck problem and having slept in my recliner for over two years, it is time!
  4. Friday, I am off to pick out a new pair of glasses. After losing my good ones on my trip in January, it is time.
  5. We have ice out on our Lake. It was just a few days behind the big lake, Lake Winnipesaukee.


The Friday Five March First

  1. The Friday Five1. The last few weeks I have been so stressed. Trying to get Heidi back on her feet..pending-1707144085-2024-01-29-09-41-25-058Good news! She is almost completely well.
  2. We started making plans to renovate my master bath. I think in the end it will be quite lovely.
  3. I need to take Lili outside and brush her. She is full of large clumps of her winter coat. Often these clumps fall off in one big piece.
  4. My sister is coming up this weekend. I need this. I need a hug. I need her calm, loving ways.2023-11-24-19-16-06-842I am so lucky to have a big sister like Melodie.
  5. I was trying to wait for my vision insurance to buy replacement glasses, but I have decided today that I have to go. I’ve been getting eye-strain headaches so it is time to go.
