The Friday Five ~ Ozempic

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This was a quiet week. Severely cold and one of those weeks when you only want to snuggle up with a warm doggy. And so it was.

  1. As you recall, I was diagnosed with diabetes in August. I was placed on Ozempic. I must tell you that people have not been kind about my having to take this drug. They claim this is like cheating to lose weight.
  2. Well, I am not taking it to lose weight. I am taking it to bring my sugar levels down as well as my A1C.
  3. Ozempic is also supposed to help with weight problems. Since the end of July, my sugar levels have decreased, and I have lost 34 pounds.
  4. Diabetes causes your body to be unable to digest sugars correctly. Ozempic seems to be working for me.
  5. Today, I have an appointment with my primary care to go over a few health problems. It is like you leap over 65, and suddenly, your body stops working.

Have a great weekend, and stay warm!


The Friday Five ~ November 22nd

The Friday Five
Here we are a week before Black Friday. Is anyone going out shopping before the sun rises? Not me. It’s good to be elderly without needing to fight the crowds. So, here we go with this week’s Friday Five.

    1. My plans were not set in stone before, but I can now share that I am going on a Princess Cruise over Christmas and New Year’s. I have a family moving in to care for Heidi and my home.
    2. My Itinerary is:
      Ft. Lauderdale
      At Sea
      At Sea
      St. Maarten
      St. Kitts
      Trinidad And Tobago
      At Sea
      At Sea
      At Sea
      Ft. Lauderdale.
    3. I have a couple of books, and my plans are to listen to music, read, swim, and hopefully relax—something I have not been able to do for a while.
    4. I must drag out my swimsuit to see how bad I look. I have lost 20 pounds since the summer, so I hope I look better.
    5. So, I am off to the recycling center. Have a wonderful weekend!


The Friday Five ~ November 15th

Friday Five

Another week has passed. Soon, November will be over, and we will be counting down the days until 2025, the New Year. Crazy. So, here is this week’s Friday Five.

  1. I had to go to an appointment with my glaucoma doctor. Although my pressures were high, my vision was correctable to 20/20, and my eyes showed no damage. So, it’s back to using my drops diligently.
  2. I went to Walmart today and ordered some sunglasses. The light is bothering me as the sun’s angle changes.
  3. As I approach my sixty-sixth birthday, I have considered expiration dates. Many of our most loved singers, actors, and writers are in their 80s. I suppose this makes me think about this because of Jack’s passing at 85, but I look around and wonder who will be next.
  4. In the past year, my health has declined. I became diabetic, had problems with my heart (minor, really), and, due to issues with my balance, have started to use a cane. I am handling it all, but it makes me wonder about my own expiration date.
  5. Well, sixty-six isn’t so bad. I wonder what the next few years have in store for Heidi, my faithful dackel, and me.


The Friday Five ~ November 1st

Friday Five 1Happy Friday, and Happy November first! Where has this year gone? Oh well. Here are this week’s Friday Five.

  1. The Carpenters worked all week to transform the flooring in my kitchen and family room.

    20241030_161429It is not only beautiful but also brighter!

  2. Now, I am looking to paint this space. I want to keep it light and bright.
  3. Meanwhile, my dishwasher decided that this was an excellent time to die. I drove down to Lowes, and my new machine will be here on Monday!
  4. I found a new home for all my Pfalzgraff. Not only do I have an essential service, but Jack was addicted to eBay and bought so much. I am one person. I do not need all of this.
  5. I was getting Heidi up from her crate the other day, and I noticed that her dackel butt was pressing against the crate door. This girl is a long……dog. I had another crate that was a lot bigger, and she loved it.

Have a great weekend, everyone!


The Friday Five Oct. 25th

Friday Five 1This week has slipped by quickly. Velcro dog (Heidi) and I have gone on many rides and spent endless hours together. So here goes!

    1. My friend and I went out to the Lemongrass Restaurant. It was wonderful! I had a Shrimp Bento Box.
    2. On Heidi’s birthday, Heidi was full of puppy delight as she raced all over the family room and enjoyed trying to rip up the foamy steps.
    3. I went to Amazon and found a set of solid plastic steps that matched the ones for my seat.Steps

      I laid the foamy steps to rest.

    4. On Thursday, I went to the Pharmacy for my annual Flu shot. I have no sore arm, and there have been no side effects so far.
    5. Next week, I get my Covid booster. Then, I am done for a while.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!


The Friday Five ~ October 4th

The Friday Five

I woke up this morning, looked out my window, and brushed the sleep from my eyes. Finally, our trees were changing color, reminding me that Fall was upon us. A smile came to my face!

  1. This week has been full of progress. My plumber came and fixed my spigot in the greenhouse. For 25 years, I could not use it because it was installed incorrectly.
  2. Then, my electrician came to fix the automatic lights in the driveway and install two spotlights in the backyard. With bobcats, bears, and whatever else roaming in the dark, I wanted light so that when I take Heidi out at night, I can see.
  3. I had my car detailed. I cannot bend like I once did, so I plan to keep my nice car in good shape. He did a fantastic job!
  4. I had a disaster with my hair. It got so severely overprocessed that it began to fall out. I was so upset. Then, my daughter suggested I visit her stylist for a consultation. Sure enough, at this point, I needed just to let it be—no more coloring of any type. But…I could get a pixie cut to stop the hair from breaking. One or two more haircuts and the damaged hair will be gone.
    mb age 3


    So, I have a pixie cut for the first time since Nursery School. One thing is for sure: it is easy to do. And yes. The curls are all mine.

  5. My kitchen floor is due to go in in two to three weeks. The reno is almost done!

Have a great weekend, everyone!


The Friday Five ~ September 20th

The Friday Five

Well, another week has gone by. This one was full of ups and downs, so here goes.

  1. I was excited because I was determined to go to our local lumber company and order the last items for my renovation.
  2. However, when I arrived, I discovered they do not do that kind of work. A girl named Kimmie told me that the flooring I want does not exist!
  3. Then I was onto Lowes, where Brittany told me the flooring I want does not exist.
  4. Yesterday, I went to a store that only deals with flooring, and yes, they do have the flooring I want.
  5. When I came home, I ordered four chairs for the screened porch, but the site would not let me complete the sale. Then, my Amex Account alerted me to what they believed was a fraudulent charge. I called them, and they asked if I had ordered anything from Russia. Ah, no! So Amex is issuing me a new card. Daniel, the agent at Amex, told me to be very careful. He said that right now, fraudulent scams are at an all-time high. We will say that the entire incident just pissed me off.

So that’s my week. I am going in an hour to speak with my PCP about my Diabetes. I am not doing well figuring out the meal plans. I ordered a book but would love to talk to a nutritionist.

Have a great weekend, everyone!


The Friday Five ~ August 30th

The Friday FiveHere we are at the end of the month and the end of summer. I went out to get the mail, and the traffic reminded me that it was Labor Day Weekend. Having grown up on Cape Cod, I am used to seasonal tourists. So, here we go with this week’s Friday Five.

  1. My carpenter finished installing the new windows on my screened porch. It is now bug-free and beautiful!

    20240827_182058The inside looking toward the lake.

    20240827_182102I need to brag a little. I stained the wood used inside the porch 25 years ago.

  2. Over the last few months, I’ve been keeping track of my morning blood sugar levels. When I saw my Primary Care, I brought the readings. She took one look and called in her nurse to take my blood, check the sugar levels, and get an A1C.
    imagesWell, much to my surprise, my A1C was 9.3! That is not a good thing at all.
  3. It was determined I needed to start some medication that day. It was decided that I would start on Ozempic—a once-a-week shot. Getting old is not for the faint of heart.
  4. Heidi and I are starting to recover from Lili’s death. She still sticks to me like glue, but I noticed she did well with two people who came to our house today.

    She was happy and friendly and did not wee. Our relationship gets deeper and deeper.

  5. So, things are settling down, and Heidi and I are both doing well. Tomorrow is laundry and vacuuming day. Ugh! Oh, well, it is what it is.

Have a great weekend, everyone!


The Friday Five ~ Aug 2nd

The Friday FiveThis week flew by. I got so much done and tried to catch up. I think I am finally getting there. So, here’s the news.

  1. Lili is doing better with her medication.  I’ve been spending time sitting with her and doing doggy meditation.
  2. I’d been waiting for my box of meals to arrive from a meal supplier. They make the meals so there isn’t a mess.
  3. I was so excited! But when the box arrived, it had been opened, was waterlogged, and had a meal missing.
  4. I called the company and sent them photos. They said they would refund all my money. Last night, I cooked and tasted each remaining meal. It was horrible.
  5. I made an actual grocery list on Thursday, which will be delivered on Saturday. Desperate, after a year of not cooking for myself, I will prepare meals again.


The Friday Five ~ July 26th

The Friday FiveAs this week has passed, I feel a little stronger each day. I am still napping each day and sleeping 10-12 hours each night. Here’s a quick list of my week.

  1. We’ve had an abundance of wildlife passing through the yard, including bears,

    groundhogs, foxes, and deer.

    I used to jump up and try to take a picture. Now, I stand still, and I enjoy the moment!

  2. The weather has been a bit nicer—cooler and drier. I will say that this July has been an odd month. The start was so hot, and we had an actual heat wave, and now it is so much nicer.
  3. After a year of not making coffee (Jack was the big coffee drinker), I finally stored my 14-cup coffee maker. I’ve been drinking instant coffee, but I’m much happier drinking tea.
  4. Now, I need to rearrange my kitchen shelves. I know that sounds easy, but I need to make it all workable.
  5. I have been streaming Grey’s Anatomy. I never watched it early on, but I do love it. It has excellent writing, great acting, and great characters.

It looks like our weekend will be a good one. I hope you all find some time to kick back and enjoy!
