Going Home

I lay in my bed last night, waiting to fall asleep. Feeling the waves gently rock the boat, I looked back at all the days I had on Regal Princess—so many peaceful, happy times.

Although it was somewhat chilly, I enjoyed every day, including when we got caught in the rain.

There was quite a group of characters, but several crew and passengers touched my heart.

One thing I learned about myself is that I need to make some profound changes in my life. Loose weight (again) and do some walking.

I have places to go, people to see, and things to do, and I must be in top shape!

So, I am on my way home. To my doggies, my bed, and getting back into a routine.


The Friday Five ~ June 7th

Good Friday Morning to you all. What a marvelous cruise it has been. It has been wonderful to be out and about, meeting new people, and seeing many new places. As you know, my feet swelled, and here is what happened in the last few days.

  1. I noticed the swelling was increasing.20240606_105206
    I also had a rash on my legs that looked like chicken pox or measles. 20240606_105215They both itched and hurt at the same time. I admit to getting a wee bit frantic. 20240606_070519
    I SOS’d my dear friend, a retired Nurse Practitioner, and my niece, an active RN. Both advised me to see the ship’s doctor.
  2. At 3 PM, I headed to sick bay. Thank you for picking up extra insurance, Miss Maribeth!!
  3. I was diagnosed with severe edema and put on meds. I was also instructed to go to bed, putting my feet up and resting.
  4. So, while in bed, I folded clothes to put in the suitcase, secured the little trinkets I had gotten for my loved ones and started packing.
  5. Two cases are done, and just my small overnight case to go.

So, my much-anticipated cruise is coming to an end. I have had a blast, and I rested for the first time in nearly a year. I’m not going to lie to ya, it felt delicious!


Lost In Translation

Here I am in Southampton, England. It was quite a long journey by car, bus, plane, and taxi, but it was worth it.

It’s Springtime here, and the trees and gardens are all blooming. Any relief I thought I might get from allergy season disappeared as my allergies set in, as did the coughs and sneezes.

imagesMacdonald Botley Park Hotel & Spa

Last night, we stayed in for dinner, and it was fabulous. I ordered a roasted feather blade of beef with mashed potato and roasted root vegetables. It was splendid!

Yesterday, I was settling into our room when I heard someone tapping their key at the door. I stood there. The door opened, and my daughter Jessica was there. We flew into each other’s arms and held each other for the longest time.

Our r1oomOur room.

This morning, after breakfast, we headed out to the shops. I needed a dress for the cruise, but I had not found anything Stateside. I found two cute dresses here, which will be carefully packed.

We booked two Spa treatments for tomorrow. In the late morning, we will have back massages. Yahoo. I jokingly asked if they had baby goats to walk our backs, and they looked at me as if I were insane.

We may be speaking the same language, English, but sometimes things are lost in translation.


Fort Monroe

Saturday found us up early, off to breakfast with Jim and Geraldine and then we got in the car and headed to Fort Monroe, VA. Many years ago, when Jim and Gerry were first married, Jim was stationed there. So our trip to the converted Fort Monroe was a walk down memory lane for them.

Back in the early 1960’s Fort Monrow was still an Army installation. Now it is a National Monument. There is so much history there, so I will share this Wiki-Link so those interested can go and read about its illustrious history. Here are some pictures I took.


For many, many years, Fort Monroe was an important part of America’s defenses. During the Civil War, the Island jail contained Confederate President Jefferson Davis.


Jefferson Davis’s cell.


All of this added to the strife after The Civil War, but in the end, Jefferson Davis lived to be a very old man, well into his 80’s and free of all charges. It somehow doesn’t seem right, for all the blood that was shed, and the young lives lost in the Civil War.


Me with Jack at Fort Monroe.


Geraldine and Jim!

The day was absolutely perfect. Low humidity and warm temperatures. The best day of our entire stay. I’m so glad we spent most of it outside.

It’s late on Saturday now and I need to post this and pack the laptop. This really has been a great trip.


Otters, Caribous, and Beavers, Oh My!

Friday our group went to Ft. Eustis, and the US Army Transportation Museum. It was a wonderful place and we saw so much.

Fort Eustis is a United States Army installation near Newport News, Virginia. In 2010, it was combined with nearby Langley Air Force Base to form Joint Base Langley–Eustis. The post is the home to the United States Army Training and Doctrine Command, and also home to the U.S. Army Aviation Logistics School.


We had a full tour of the Army Base, and then we were brought tot he Officers Club for lunch. It was a beautiful building, so nicely appointed and we enjoyed a nice lunch.


After lunch, we went to the area where the Army Helicopters and planes were kept for display. Then guys got to see their much loved and cherished fixed wing, Otters, Caribous, Beavers and U8D Seminole (Commonly known as a Twin Beech). Jack flew all but the Seminole. Below are photos of some of the planes.


The Beaver


The Beaver Aircraft & my friend, Betty.


The Otter.


A short blurb on the Otter Aircraft.


The Men who flew and worked on the Caribou Aircraft.


It was wonderful to see the aircraft that my husband flew during his Army days. All the men and women on the tour smiled broadly while visiting these old friends.


Our day ended by going out with our friends to a Crab Shack for dinner. It was so good! We enjoyed this meal, but most important we enjoyed spending the time with Jim and Geraldine.


Norfolk & The Chesapeake

On Thursday we all met for breakfast before boarding buses and going to the McArthur Museum. Douglas McArthur was one of our great military leaders during WW II and the Korean War. His steady leadership saved many lives and encouraged peace.


The tomb of Douglas McArthur and his wife Jean.

After that, we cruised the Chesapeake Bay to look at the ships both active duty and retired of the USA. There were also many shipyards that dry-dock ships for renovation.

There was a lovely meal served as we cruised and thankfully we had no rain despite the gray skies. And wow was it humid and hot!


These are ships that are now in permanent dockage.


This huge ship was in dry dock to be retrofitted and cleaned and painted.


In the evening we had a Buffet Welcome Dinner and after our show was a wonderful man who sang Frank Sinatra Songs. He was really great and we all sang and enjoyed his performance.

Tomorrow is another busy day with a trip to Fort Eustace. Pictures and information to follow. We’re having a really great time and seeing old friends is always so much fun and so special!

We Made It!

Our ride on the Cape May Ferry was nice, just a tad rocky, which made me fearful I might have a problem with seasickness, but U placed myself in the center of the ship and did not watch out the window to see the boat rolling with the waves. I was just fine.

Our weather certainly improved on Wednesday for the last leg of our trip down. It was sunny and very warm, in the low 90’s, and the ride itself was beautiful. It was all on 4 lane divided highway, but through the countrysides of Delaware, Maryland and Virginia along what is called the Delmarva Peninsula.

There are many vegetable farms, grain and even places growing melons, sweet potatoes and grains. Oh yes, and this area must be good for chickens because we saw massive numbers of chicken coops. I saw signs for both Tyson and Perdue Chicken.

Then we arrived at the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel and that really is amazing. Tremendously large bridges and the then two mile long tunnels underneath the Bay.


The Bay Bridge itself.


Entering the Tunnel portion.


Inside the tunnel.

I still find the engineering of this bridge and tunnel system outstanding! The Chesapeake Bay is a major shipping lane, and we were not disappointed as I saw an endless stream of large container ships int he inner channel.

Jack has done almost all the driving and I have done the navigating. So far this has worked. We also have found that stopping about every two hours was a good thing. Although both last night and on Tuesday, by the time we stopped I was so stiff I couldn’t easily move, Age I guess! Ha!

We finally arrived at the Reunion Hotel, and our room was not ready. The hotel, a Holiday In Conference Center, is a nice one and it is very large. There are four Reunions going on besides ours, plus training sessions for several companies. This means that every room is taken. Thus, the wait.

About six o’clock the room was ready, but by then Jack was talking so I went out to the car and using a trolly and making two trips, I got everything up to our room and unpacked.

However, I must mention that it was 95 degrees outside and I became rather overheated. Once I was done, the hair went into a ponytail and me into sleeveless clothes, and I returned to the Reunion suite for a nice cold beer!

We ate dinner in the hotel’s restaurant and after ordering hamburgers and fries and waiting 40 minutes, I mentioned to the waitress, that we’d traveled all day for two days and were tired. I said if the food didn’t come soon, they could send it to our room.

The food magically appeared, as did the dining room manager to tell us he was sorry and he then told us the hotel was paying for our meal. Very nice, but if I had known that I would have ordered a Prime Rib! (Insert a great deal of winking and laughter here) The bed was next and I slept from 8:45 pm to 6:15 am!

It’s early morning on Thursday and the next thing for me is to shower and dress for the day. It is not due to be as hot, so I’m not sure what to wear. One thing I do know, I brought enough clothing to change three times a day and never dress in the same outfit twice!



A Bit Of Everything

I used to travel a lot. Packing a suitcase and heading anywhere was nothing to me in the way of planning. Somehow, since I have not traveled for a while, the part of my brain that does all the preparations is a little slower than it used to be.


In the old days, (Berlin 2009) all that I needed fit into that green suitcase. I still have and use that suitcase, but now I have tote bags as well!

I already know I have over-packed. Since we are not flying, I can bring whatever I like, and I would be all set if I wanted to change my clothes three times a day.

Of course, this is silly, but I do like to have backups for any situation. And I am also bringing shoes to match.

You know I bet Princess Kate doesn’t bring this many clothes when she travels. Or perhaps she does. She always looks perfect for any and all situations.

Now it is not just me that I am packing for, but Jack as well. I asked him what he wanted packed, and after mumbling a few things he abrogated all responsibility for his suitcase. Ugh!

Jack did prepare the car today, and tomorrow we will finalize our packing. I would like to have the car completely packed on Monday afternoon so we can just relax a bit before the big drive.

Here is our route.

Our Trip2

Our house sitter came again today, and all is set with them. But in the year since they were here so much has changed. New air conditioners, new coffee maker, new toaster oven, etc. They jokingly said I needed to write instructions in a little book! Honestly, I think of all the little eccentricities of my house and the dogs living in it and I believe that the house sitter is correct!

It’s bedtime now on Saturday night,  so I will get this set to post in the morning and off to bed I go with my Arnie-man, pup!


Reunion Day 1

As we drove to Savannah, Georgia, we were in touch with our friends, Jim and Geraldine. They were flying in from Boston, and we were due to arrive at the hotel at the same time on Wednesday, August 3rd. We spoke, at about 2 PM and Jim jokingly said that the race was on, to see who got there first!

We did not speed, (honestly, Hubby would have, but I am the enforcer in the car!) and when we pulled up to the Savannah Hilton Desoto, I did not see them.

The hotel is a Valet only hotel and suddenly we had three of the guys out helping us unload the car, and put our suitcases on the cart. I also brought my pillow, because since surgery, my pillow is the only thing that makes me comfortable!

As we stood unloading…the shuttle arrived from the airport! Jim and Geraldine got out and I stood there waving my arms and hollering out their names.

We won!

Desoto Hilton

So, here we are, standing in front of the most beautiful hotel, with all of our luggage. We went into the hotel to check in. Hubby and I decided to use some of my Hilton Points and we upgraded to a large corner room. It was amazing! We had a huge, King size bed, and a window facing the down town area, and the balcony facing the Savannah River and St. Johns Catholic Church.

Our room
Our room from the street.
Desoto room
Our room inside.

St. John’s Catholic Church.

After we settled in, (our friends were in the next room) our friends came over for drinks and snacks. Then we went down and registered with the Reunion staff.

Now here is a weird and I guess funny thing. When filling out the Reunion information, I typed my name (MARIBETH) then in a red marker, I wrote: Please note: my name is spelled, MARIBETH.

If you guessed that they misspelled my name then you are correct. I could not believe that anyone could possibly miss that note. There is not much that bugs me, but that sure did!

Their answer to their mistake? They took a black sharpie marker and turned the Y into a thick i . Next year I will send a short essay on the misspelling of names, and how ignoring a request can be hurtful!

That night we walked from the hotel to a gourmet restaurant, whose name escapes me at the moment, ad had a nice meal. One thing I found interesting was that we were constantly looking for Savannah food, and just couldn’t find any. There was an abundance of fast food, or gourmet, but not that good old Southern food that I was looking forward to.

After dinner we returned to the hotel, had a night cap and hit the hay.

More tomorrow, on what would prove to be the most interesting day of our Reunion trip!

I Am Really Here

You all probably think I dropped of the face of the earth. The truth is, that between appointments before our trip to Savannah and then an incredibly busy schedule driving to Savannah, touring, Savannah and then driving home, I found myself just exhausted. I mean, absolutely, beat!

The journey to Savannah, was all that bad, but I will tell you, I had forgotten what 1000+ miles were like to drive! We did break it in half, but even then I found myself sleeping like the dead.

Savannah was amazingly beautiful, as it was when I was here back in 1988. But, as in all places I return to now, nearly 30 years later, they have grown!

We decided to upgrade our room because of my Hilton Hotel Points, and our room was on an upper floor, with windows on two sides and a small balcony. Our room was a party room, for our friends and for us. The views of Savannah were amazing!

Our room

The arrow points to our room!

I will take time over the next day or so to write about our time there, but I will say that I did cause an International Incident. It was not intentional and actually, not even my fault, let’s just say it’s a good thing I didn’t end up in the brig.

Anyway, more stories to come, but right now, I need to get to bed! Night all!