Seven Things I Love

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I stepped outside today and was overcome with the scent of lilacs. They’re all blooming in my yard. I love it. But I also love a few other bits of nature. So here goes…

April 30 12 0071. Apple Blossoms. So delicate, fragrant, and beautiful.

20190522_1639482. Peach Blossoms. They fill our yard in spring on our lovely peach trees.

May 15 0393. A Bee pollinating the apple trees. I always love watching this happen. It is part of the growing season.

Aug 12 0034. A sign for every season. This sign is near my home. I always laugh when I see it!

July 17 013

5. A basket that was full of my garden vegetables. I grew all of those! I miss my garden.

20180523_1203376. Lilacs. My favorite flower is lovely and the scent cannot be mistaken for anything else. How I wish they made Lilac perfume or air fresheners.

IMG_0269 (2)7. The most beautiful rainbow on my lake. Yes, I took this picture myself. It was so beautiful that day.

Seven Things I Love ~ April 6th

Header 1 (2)I haven’t written a 7 love list in a while, so since things are starting out a little slowly this week, it’s the perfect time to write a “Love List”

  1. I am totally loving the fact that Spring has finally arrived. I saw my first Redwing Blackbird today. They migrate to the South in the winter, but today both Mr. and Mrs. Redwing Blackbirds were at the feeder. I also noted that the suet blocks are getting well picked over. They’re getting more action as more birds are coming back to my yard for the summer.
  2. The ice is out on my lake, Lake Waukewan. So we once again have a living, breathing, moving lake. And just before sitting down to write this, I heard that Lake Winnipesaukee (the big lake) is also iced out! Spring is here in full force and I relish the beauty all around me.
  3. After watching The British Baking Show, I was more than ready to whip up a turkey pie for our dinner. Jack was not thrilled, but I told him when one gets an 11+ pound turkey for less than $5.00 then one eats a lot of turkey! I love turkey so it isn’t hard for me to eat turkey in various ways.
  4. I was thinking today just how much I love my family. In the last year, I have not left the State of New Hampshire. Being safe, wearing a mask and getting vaccinated is my way of showing Love for my family!
  5. I love it when the sun shines down on me now. In April the sun is so much closer and it simply warms my body and my soul!
  6. Leggings. I have literally been wearing leggings every day now. I know I need to get back to wearing real clothes again, but my leggings are just so comfy!
  7. And the last thing on my Love list today are my flowers in the dish garden. They smell so good and really brighten up my family room!

Dackel Shopping

Seven Things I Love

Header 1 (2)First of all, Happy Easter to you all. It’s an odd holiday this year, as none of us is able to spend the holiday with our families. We’re stuck at home, praying for the World to return to better health.

But on this Blessed Day, I wanted to remember a few of the things that I am grateful for.

87970298_10221923432536629_5711858259418152960_n1. Amanda, Matt, Savannah, and Quinn. They make me so happy and I feel so lucky to have them in my life.

342. Jack. We’ve shared 32 years of marriage and shared so much along the way.

Arnie & Anneliese3. My dogs Arnie and Anneliese and Lili.

4. My home. I am warm and have food and my bills are paid. Right now I feel very lucky.

Screenshot_20200407-063749_WW Mobile5. Weight Watchers. I feel so fortunate to have this program that is helping me reach my weight and fitness goals.

Jan, mb, mel

6. My cousin, Janet, me and my sister Mel. How very thankful I am to have these women in my life. I have a couple more cousins that are so special and so loved. Our family is small, but a good and loving one.

best two7. The living breathing nature around me. We have Doe’s come each year to have their fawns in our field. It is a beautiful thing to see.

7 Things I Love ~ March 1, 2020

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Here are just a few things about Germany or from Germany that I love.

1. Shortly after the Berlin Wall fell, we went over to Berlin, Germany. The biggest thrill for me was climbing the Berlin Wall, without the fear of being shot! Yes, that struggling woman is me, being pulled up by Jack.


2. Here I am standing on top of The Wall, with The Brandenburg Gate (German: Brandenburger Tor) behind me. What a day that was! I loved it!!!


3. A few years later here I am standing where the Wall once was, with my dearest friend and sister in the soul, Uschi.

brandenburg Gate

4. This was back in the early 1990’s. This is my friend’s Wire-haired dackel, the first and original Shubi. I spoke no Doggy German, and he understood no Doggy English, but it was love at first sight!


5. My darling Uschi and I enjoying some wonderful Greek food at our favorite Greek Restaurant in Berlin. We both had Gyros with ice-cold beers.

June 7 019

6. My darling Shubi. She was my first, sweetest, wire-haired dackel. She helped heal my heart and soul. What a loving girl. She was from Landshut, Germany.

Picture from 2002 2003 039

7. Me with baby Greta. She was only 18 months here and already a little cuddle bug. Greta was from  Rehden, Germany.

Sept 23 046Happy March 2020!

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Seven Things I Love February 9, 2020

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This week I am concentrating on seven of my favorite bird photographs. Since starting my bird feeding, I have been engrossed in watching them and photographing them. They bring such joy to my life. Here are a few of my pictures. I hope you enjoy them.

Cardinal 12

1. Mr. Cardinal

PB140007 (2)2. Mr. Blue Jay

PB110010 (2)3. Mrs. Downy Woodpecker.

Cardinal 154. Another Cardinal.

PB140004 (2)

5. Mr. Hairy Woodpecker

P2060010 (2)6. Mr. Downy Woodpecker in the storm.

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7. Mr. Downy Woodpecker. He is my favorite.

Seven Things I Love

Header 1 (2)1. French Onion Soup. Made with Gruyere Cheese and baked until the cheese browns. Totally worth the time to make and so very yummy!

The One About Food2. Wiener Schnitzel with potato pancakes and asparagus. A favorite German meal, but one I do not cook too often.

The One About Food3. Lobster. As I have said, Lobster is my all-time favorite! I would eat it more often if it weren’t so expensive.

The One About Food4. Chocolate dipped strawberries. Does it get any better than this?

Sept 145. Peppermint Bark. I remember the first time I tried it. Soooo good! And it is now a lifelong addiction!

img61l6. Pizza. Almost any kind. My actual favorite is Eggplant Pizza. My least favorite is Pepperoni.

July 31 0107. Ribs! I love barbecue ribs. I have a recipe for the best barbecue ribs and I used to make it often. Now I am on WW I think I won’t be eating these much at all.

July 04 093Well, here is this week’s list. I decided to make it a list of some of my favorite foods. What about you?

Seven Things I Love

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It’s my Sunday meme day. Seven Things I Love. Here is this week’s list!

April 30 12 0071. Apple Blossoms. So delicate, fragrant and beautiful.

20190522_1639482. Peach Blossoms. They fill our yard in spring on our lovely peach trees.

May 15 0393. A Bee pollinating the apple trees. I always love watching this happen. It is part of the growing season.

Aug 12 0034. A sign for every season. This sign is near my home. I always laugh when I see it!

July 17 013

5. A basket that was full of my garden vegetables. I grew all of those! I miss my garden.

20180523_1203376. Lilacs. My favorite flower is lovely and the scent cannot be mistaken for anything else. How I wish they made Lilac perfume or air fresheners.

IMG_0269 (2)7. The most beautiful rainbow on my lake. Yes, I took this picture myself. It was so beautiful that day.

7 Things I Love ~ January 12 2020

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1. 24 Jars Of Heavenly Jam & A New Hair Cut

My homemade Peach Jam. It’s an old recipe from Jack’s mother that I have made my own.

2. Sept 9 012

Apples. There is nothing like going outside in your back yard and picking a fresh apple off of the tree. I love apples!

3. Aug 8 006

A brilliant sunset over my lake in the summer. One thing about living above a lake is that you experience all sorts of beauty. Sunsets are really amazing here!

4. tulip

Snow on a tulip in early spring. Every once in awhile, Mother Nature sends us snow, even after our Spring flowers have bloomed. Still, there is beauty in it.

5. Feb. 16 010

This Noah’s Ark was my grandfather’s. He brought it from Germany to the USA in 1906 when his family emigrated. He and his father came through Ellis Island in New York and they were greeted by my great Uncle Albert. The entire family came here a few at a time, as they saved the money for the ship fare.

As a child, I was allowed to play with this at my grandmother’s home in Brighton, Massachusetts. I had to play quietly and carefully and I was filled with pride that I was trusted. Years later my Mom asked me if I wanted this? Absolutely! I cherish it!

6. June 21 003

Mother Greta with two of her children. Left to right, Arnie, Anneliese, & Greta. I have always loved this picture. I had the privilege to watch Greta give birth. And then I have had the joy to have shared with her the raising of these two pups. Now she is gone and I have her two children to comfort me.

7. Oct 2014
Autumn on my lake. I mean, does it get any more beautiful than this? Each day during the month of October I just love the changing leaves and the cool crisp air of Autumn. It’s what makes my little corner of New England so very special!

7 Things I Love ~ January 5

I was driving around town this morning on the way to get our mail, and I began thinking of all the little things that bring me joy. So, I thought I would start a new meme. I will jot down a few things each Sunday and hope that perhaps, these are some of your favorite things as well.

March 10 Arnie & Anneliese
Puppies! Here are Arnie and Anneliese. They were the sweetest puppies ever! But I do love puppies and dogs and feel the purity of their love.

Lobster! Need I say more!

August 25 024
Fresh summer Butter & Sugar Corn on the Cob!

Walks in the Bavarian forests.

This is me with a dear friend. He is no longer with us, but I think of him so often and the walks we took in the forest and also going to hunt mushrooms!

Sunset on my Lake Waukewan.

Nov 16 5
A phone call from someone I love.

Beer. German Beer!

My favorite German beer is Andechs! That is what I am drinking in this stein.

Stay tuned each Saturday for new loves and pictures. Have a wonderful weekend!