Happy Birthday, Amanda

Today is my daughter’s birthday. It was a special day for her, but in the beginning, it was a very special day for her father and me. Our first baby.

1Me & Amanda

Amanda was the first child born to us. She was healthy and happy and amazingly beautiful! We both immediately fell in love with our girl.

Amanda made me a mother, and as I took care of her, I realized that as each day went by, she was teaching me so much. It continues to this day.

She was a bright and alert baby, who seemed to grow up very quickly. Always sweet and loving, yet determined to set the world on fire.

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Whatever she sets her mind to, she accomplishes, but perhaps her greatest accomplishment is the fact that she is a wonderful mother to her two kids and their two dogs and a cat!

311696094_10229624793425838_1793860466664539530_nSavannah & Amanda.
295085709_10228958938019869_9022500550669028540_n (1)Quinn and Amanda.

I am so proud of the woman she has become. She is a self-made woman who continues tackling challenges many would run from.

So, on this special birthday, I wish her good health, much happiness, and the fulfillment of all her dreams.


I love you so much, Amanda!

Happy Birthday, Amanda!!!

Today is my daughter’s birthday. It’s a special day for her, but in the beginning, it was very special for her father and me.

1Me & Amanda

Amanda was the first child born to us. She was healthy and happy and gorgeous! We both immediately fell in love with our girl.

Amanda made me a mother, and as I cared for her, I realized that as each day went by, she was teaching me so much. It continues to this day.

She was a bright and alert baby who grew up quickly. Always sweet and loving, yet determined to set the world on fire.

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She accomplishes whatever she wants, but perhaps her greatest accomplishment is being a wonderful mother to her two kids and their two dogs and a cat!

311696094_10229624793425838_1793860466664539530_nSavannah & Amanda.
295085709_10228958938019869_9022500550669028540_n (1)Quinn and Amanda.

I am so proud of the woman she has become. She is a self-made woman who continues tackling challenges many would run from.

So, on this special birthday, I wish her good health, happiness, and the fulfillment of all her dreams.


I love you so much, Amanda!

Happy Birthday Amanda!

Today is my daughter’s birthday. A special day for her, but in the beginning, it was a very special day for her father and me.

1Me & Amanda

Amanda was the first child born to us. She was healthy and happy and amazingly beautiful! We both immediately fell in love with our girl.

Amanda made me a mother and as I took care of her I realized that as each day went by, she was teaching me so much. It continues to this day.

She was a bright and alert baby, who seemed to grow up very quickly. Always sweet and loving, yet determined to set the world on fire.

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Whatever she sets her mind to, she accomplishes, but perhaps her greatest accomplishment is the fact that she is a wonderful mother to her two kids and their 2 dogs and a cat!

311696094_10229624793425838_1793860466664539530_nSavannah & Amanda.
295085709_10228958938019869_9022500550669028540_n (1)Quinn and Amanda.

I am so proud of the woman she has become. She is a self-made woman who continues to tackle challenges that many would run from.

So on this, special birthday, I wish her, good health, much happiness, and the fulfillment of all her dreams.


I love you so much, Amanda!

Happy Birthday Amanda!

Today is my daughter’s birthday. A special day for her, but in the beginning, it was a very special day for her father and me.

Amanda was the first child born to us. She was healthy and happy and amazingly beautiful! We both immediately fell in love with our girl.

She was a bright and alert baby, who seemed to grow up very quickly. Always sweet and loving, yet determined to set the world on fire.

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Whatever she sets her mind to, she accomplishes, but perhaps her greatest accomplishment is the fact that she is a wonderful mother to her two kids and their 2 dogs and a cat!

I am so proud of the woman she has become. She is a self-made woman who continues to tackle challenges that many would run from.

So on this, her special birthday, I wish her, good health, much happiness, and a fulfillment of all her dreams.

71136718_10221137923904358_8407547006184062976_oI love you so much, Amanda!

Happy Birthday, Amanda Mae!

Today is my daughter’s birthday. A special day for her, but in the beginning, it was a very special day for her father and me.

Amanda was the first child born to us. She was healthy and happy and amazingly beautiful! We both immediately fell in love with our girl.

She was a bright and alert baby, who seemed to grow up very quickly. Always sweet and loving, yet determined to set the world on fire.

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Whatever she sets her mind to, she accomplishes, but perhaps her greatest accomplishment is the fact that she is a wonderful mother to her two kids and their 2 dogs and a cat!

I am so proud of the woman she has become. She is a self-made woman who continues to tackle challenges that many would run from.

So on this, her special birthday, I wish her, good health, much happiness, and a fulfillment of all her dreams.

71136718_10221137923904358_8407547006184062976_oI love you so much, Amanda!

Happy Birthday Mandy

My daughter, Amanda has her birthday today. She is such an amazing woman and I am proud to be her mother.

Mandy and kidsMandy with Savannah and Quinn back in 2016.

You see, Mandy is really a self-made woman. She had ideas about what she wanted to do in life, and she worked hard to get where she is.

Dec 11 09 009Me and my girl!

Not only is she a success as a career woman, but most importantly, she is the best mother I have ever seen. She is devoted to her kids and loves them completely in such a beautiful way.
I am so lucky to have her as my daughter, and on this very special day, I just want her to know, how much she is loved!

Happy Birthday, Mandy!

Thoughts On A Cloudy Sunday

On Friday I went and had my medical appointments at the VA. The news was not great, but I’m not dead, so there is always room for improvement.

After I finished that, I popped off to my daughter’s home, and played Words With Friends, while she finished up her work from home day!

I also played with her sweet puppy, Freya as we waited to go and pick up Savannah, and afterward drop her back at the house with her Daddy, so we could leave for dinner and a show.


After dropping Savi off, we drove to Nashua and went to one of our favorite Chinese restaurants. We ordered two appetizers and one meal that we split, Mandy had a fruity cocktail and I had my new drink of choice, a nice Scotch!


Then we headed to the John Edward Event, which was just down the street. Surprisingly, it wasn’t mobbed yet, and Mandy dropped me at the door and parked.

We entered the event, and Mandy eyed some seats, but just as we reached them, some people swooped in and took them. So we scanned the room, walked to the other side of the room and sat down.

The event started on time, and almost immediately John was talking to two women who sat just across the aisle from us.

Now here’s the thing, although many of the things he said resonated with the women, there were a few things that did not, and I believe the reading was seeping out, over to us. The items listed below he was so adamant about and when the ladies kept declining, I suspected they were for us.

Here are the things that he said that did not fit them, but fit us so perfectly.

  • K name
  • Died in a car accident
  • Was organ donor
  • June was an important month.
  • Mentioned Roz, Rosa, Rosamond
  • Parents passed. One from heart failure
  • Dad was easier to get along with
  • Mother was difficult
  • Mentioned numbers 11, that repeat

During his reading, I felt a very overwhelming hotness inside. Not like a hot flash at all, but almost like I had a furnace radiating through my body starting from my stomach.

I tried to raise my hand to alert him about the organ donor aspect of the reading, especially when the women said no so many times. But he kind of waved me off.

But I am convinced that those words were for us.

  • K name…My daughter Katie
  • Died in a car accident…  She did.
  • Was an organ donor…Katie was
  • June was important month….it is when the accident happened
  • Mentioned Roz, Rosa, Rosamond…My mother’s name
  • Parents passed. One from heart failure…true, Dad
  • Dad was easier to get along with…yes
  • Mother was difficult……yes
  • Mentioned numbers 11, that repeat…Katie’s birthday month was November

Once he turned to read away from us, the hot feeling disappeared as quickly as it had come on me.

My daughter is more skeptical than I am. She mentioned that a lot of the reading did resonate with the other two women. And that is true, but I wrote down the things that felt important for us. So in that first 20 minutes, there were more things that made no sense to us, but to the other women.

But thinking back to when we arrived and how we had lost those first seats and moved closer to the woman who was selected for the first reading. made me feel that we were right where we were supposed to be.

At the very end of the event, I was chosen to ask a question of John. I asked him a question about the horrific ways people die. When they come through to him, do they talk or reveal much about that?

He said that Spirit does not want to be remembered for how they died but rather, how they lived.

So, people, I guess the biggest thing I got out of that one question, was I needed to move away from how Katie and my friend Candy have died, and focus on how beautifully, happily, they had lived their lives!