The Friday Five ~ June 7th

Good Friday Morning to you all. What a marvelous cruise it has been. It has been wonderful to be out and about, meeting new people, and seeing many new places. As you know, my feet swelled, and here is what happened in the last few days.

  1. I noticed the swelling was increasing.20240606_105206
    I also had a rash on my legs that looked like chicken pox or measles. 20240606_105215They both itched and hurt at the same time. I admit to getting a wee bit frantic. 20240606_070519
    I SOS’d my dear friend, a retired Nurse Practitioner, and my niece, an active RN. Both advised me to see the ship’s doctor.
  2. At 3 PM, I headed to sick bay. Thank you for picking up extra insurance, Miss Maribeth!!
  3. I was diagnosed with severe edema and put on meds. I was also instructed to go to bed, putting my feet up and resting.
  4. So, while in bed, I folded clothes to put in the suitcase, secured the little trinkets I had gotten for my loved ones and started packing.
  5. Two cases are done, and just my small overnight case to go.

So, my much-anticipated cruise is coming to an end. I have had a blast, and I rested for the first time in nearly a year. I’m not going to lie to ya, it felt delicious!


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