Lost In Translation

Here I am in Southampton, England. It was quite a long journey by car, bus, plane, and taxi, but it was worth it.

It’s Springtime here, and the trees and gardens are all blooming. Any relief I thought I might get from allergy season disappeared as my allergies set in, as did the coughs and sneezes.

imagesMacdonald Botley Park Hotel & Spa

Last night, we stayed in for dinner, and it was fabulous. I ordered a roasted feather blade of beef with mashed potato and roasted root vegetables. It was splendid!

Yesterday, I was settling into our room when I heard someone tapping their key at the door. I stood there. The door opened, and my daughter Jessica was there. We flew into each other’s arms and held each other for the longest time.

Our r1oomOur room.

This morning, after breakfast, we headed out to the shops. I needed a dress for the cruise, but I had not found anything Stateside. I found two cute dresses here, which will be carefully packed.

We booked two Spa treatments for tomorrow. In the late morning, we will have back massages. Yahoo. I jokingly asked if they had baby goats to walk our backs, and they looked at me as if I were insane.

We may be speaking the same language, English, but sometimes things are lost in translation.


One thought on “Lost In Translation”

  1. You finally arrived ! Welcome to Europe, although the English ask me if I am coming from Europe, Yes American English and Queen’s English is different, I think here in the other countries we just mix both. And the English have taken over a lot of American words because of the movies. They say “truck” now and not lorry anymore etc. Have a nice stay and have a lot of fun !

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