The Swans

Yesterday, despite the known drizzle in the UK, I boarded my bus and headed to the Swannery.

I have been fascinated with swans all my life. There was an area near where I grew up where the swans in Falmouth raised their young. That was nothing compared to this place, where there were well over 100 pairs of mating swans.

To say I was astonished would be an understatement. This was beyond my wildest dreams!

Here is a Mommy Swan with a newly hatched Signet under her wing.



I walked there and stood in wonder. What I have long known about myself is that I am a Nature Freak. Perhaps this explains my obsession with the TV show “Northwoods Law.”

By the time I returned to the ship, I was exhausted. I had a little lunch, and then I took a nap. I recall a time when naps were punishment. Now they are bonuses!

Anyway, I digress.


441372843_863021722322211_6732868286610092628_nMy best shot of a Mommy and her Signet!

I will share the last picture of a beautiful mommy, Swan.  It was lovely.


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