It’s been weeks since I wrote. Life has been slipping by, and I always try to get through the days. Some days are easier than others.
I must say it is a lovely Autumn here. It’s not as vivid as usual, but it’s beautiful.
As we approach the winter season, we have seen an abundance of critters in our yards: bobcats, bears, deer, and a skunk. Thankfully, the floodlights have been installed, so I know what is out there before Heidi and I venture out.
I received a notice that my Part-D insurance was not renewed in New Hampshire. I was so upset, but when I opened the next envelope, I was offered Insurance through Delta. Yippie!
I am working on finding my way in this world. Being alone has never been my strong suit. But I am trying.
I have renovated most of the house; now it is my home.
You will not believe this, but Heidi turns three years old today! The time has flown, and I can honestly say that I wouldn’t have made it without Heidi to brighten my world.
So, happy birthday to my sweet girl, Heidi.