My Life ~ Sea Sick

I decided to sit down today to catch you up on all the happenings in my life. As you already know, I got sick on the cruise. I had three days of good health on the ship before the Norovirus hit.

I have only a few pictures of me that came out well instead of green and sick!


Yes, I was in isolation for eight days due to the Norovirus. You have never had real fun until you have had that! About a third of my ship had it. I slept, sipped ginger ale, and slept some more. I came home having lost six pounds.

No sooner had I returned than I started experiencing flu-like symptoms. I waited but eventually went to see my doctor. With her guidance, I started my recovery. So, what should have been a relaxing vacation turned into a fight for health.

I am so thankful to Hannaford for home delivery of groceries. I needed food, so I ordered everything from the comfort of my recliner with Heidi in my lap.

131059219_2793054987613754_7347382249664705514_nIt is -10 this morning, and I think this winter will be a bear. Meanwhile, I am making some hot tea and snuggling with Heidi.

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