Dogs & Snow

We’ve had more snow over the last few days. Currently we have about 2 feet of snow in the yard.  The best part of having all of this snow? Watching the dogs play around in it. Now of my four furry friends, who do you suppose likes the snow the best?

Jan 17 027

Yes, Anneliese. The smallest of my dogs, is the one with the biggest love of the snow. She literally stays out until she is frozen and then comes in to warm up.

Jan 17 032

She loves to run and jump in it, tunnel and roll her very own snowballs!

Then there is Mr. Fritz. He likes it too, but then, Fritz loves being outside in general.

Jan 17 021

Fritz is a big helper. If you are out shoveling, he will play around you, or sit and watch and keep you company. If I could only figure out how to get him to shovel snow with me, I’d be all set!

If he hears the snow blower turns on, Fritz heads inside the house. He is a big boy who is a real chicken!!!

Jan 17 025

Now Greta will go out int he snow, take three or four steps from the door and do her thing.

Jan 17 030

Then she turns around and heads back in. Greta would be much happier if we lived in a warmer climate.

Jan 8 015Arnie, will go out and play like a crazy man, but as soon as he gets covered with those teeny, tiny snowballs, it’s in the house he goes. I always laugh at the way he looks. None of the other dogs get them, but poor Arnie gets those little snowballs all over his legs, tail and tummy. We’re talking, adorable!

Now you can see a little bit why I don’t really mind the snow. Watching the dogs play, in their own ways, makes it worth all the work that each storm brings.

8 thoughts on “Dogs & Snow”

  1. Whiskey love the snow too. He is always rolling in it and jumping around like crazy.
    Saxon is fine in the snow, but he would prefer a dry area more. 😉
    But both of them are much happier in autumn and winter when it is not that warm. Funny when you bear in mind that they originally from South Africa. 🙂

  2. Very cute pictures! We have tons of snow down here too! It’s funny; Cleo always wants to get outside now, so with all the snow, I decided to let her out to see what she would do…. She jumped like a bunny through all the snow, and was so sad when I brought her back inside. I was very surprised!

    I have an interview today. I guess a long story–I will have to fill you in….

    Talk soon!


    Mandy 🙂

  3. I bet they ARE fun to watch — but even THAT just adds MORE work to the day — wet dogs coming in … need drying… or leave puddles… LOL! I can do without it – but Hubby really IS wishing for snow! I hope we get ONE GOOD one, so he can go out and play with his snow plow!

  4. They are such CUTE photos… I think I would be tending to stay inside as well though!!!

    When will the snow be gone though? We are on our FOURTH day now of nearly 40C, and it is expected to go into the weekend as well. Nightly thunderstorms, whilst good for the drought and catchment, only seem to make it muggy though…

  5. I love pictures of your dogs!! But I most definitely love pictures of your dogs in snow! I think it’s funny how just poor Arnie looks like he was rolled in snow and is miserable. Very cute.

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