The puppies are six weeks old now, so today we took them to the Vets for their first shots. It was quite a trip, with all five puppies tucked into the puppy crate (which Hubby carried) and Greta on a leash.
All the way over to the office the puppies were squealing in the back seat. They sounded a little bit like sea gulls, but without the soothing sound of the ocean waves blended in.
It went very well, with all of the puppies getting their first shots, and passing their first little physicals. I’m telling you, it was the cutest thing in the world to watch.
While the puppies were being examined, I played with the others.
Wally wasn’t sure if he liked all the attention.
And Fenway took the time to flirt with the Vet Tech, Ashley.
Schnapps had her shots gently rubbed into her leg.
While Calvin was reassured.
And Curt peered around nervously.
But in the end, they all did well, and came home none the worse for wear.
In the afternoon after their naps we had them outside playing and running around.
I somehow feel that in the last two days the pups have grown by leaps and bounds.
I can’t believe how quickly they have gone from totally helpless little creatures to full fledged growing puppies with TEETH!
Me with Wally on the left and Fenway on the right.
Here’s to the first 6 weeks!!!
Happy first 6 weeks!! 8)
Oh, they sure did well there. It seem to be a very nice Vet & assistant, that is so great to have!
Who wouldn’t be touched by those lovable little fellows….!!!
Darling pictures, MB! What a handful of cutie pies.
I love those little pups and I am sad that I most likely won’t get to see them. I still have to get my car fixed and life around here is crazy. Give them all a kiss for me and we’ll see what I Can work out. Love YOU, Mel
Gorgeous little pups! 🙂
That family picture at the top is the cutest thing ever! And seeing them run around outside and play…. I’m sure that’s the part that makes them seem sooooo grown up all of a sudden! It really IS amazing how FAST they grow! Makes me wish I’d known Jewl when she was just a new born!
They are adorable! It will be hard to give them away, won´t it?
What cute pictures with the vets and then the little group running in your garden with flying ears, lol !
🙂 too cute!!