I don’t sew. In fact I don’t sew so much that Hubby brings his clothing to a local woman to hem and fix, because I am just hopeless. It’s not that I don’t want to sew, it’s more like the machine I own is possessed and everything I try to sew with it becomes suddenly destroyed!
This morning I got up to a true disaster in the puppy room. They had somehow managed to chew up their nice puppy bed, and started shredding the foam mattress. This was the last bed that I had forย the puppies to abuse, so I suddenly wasn’t sure what to do.
If I put a blanket down, they would tear that apart. If I put Greta’s bed in there, they would just destroy that too, and even a mother needs a nice comfy bed!
Then the idea struck me. I could put a large crate in there with a remade cushion and then take theirย old bed, with the cover, and using my sewing machine, sew it permanently closed.
Now isn’t that quite the endeavor for someone like me who has no sewing capabilities at all? It is, but I decided to give it a try, as we have just one week to go with the “Fabulous Five”.
First I made a smaller mat/bed for the crate. I lined it with a plastic table cloth, and sewed it together. Yes my demon machine acted up, but I persevered and got the darn thing done.
Then, once the big cover was dry I put the cushion inside, and then sewed it up along the zipper line. Since the little devils had chewed the zipper, I could not fix that. So I just sewed it up.
Well the possessed machine started acting up then. The thread got all jumbled up in one spot and then broke! I would had to go through the eye blinding process of threading the needle! more times than I care to say, but eventually the sewing was done!
It’s not pretty, and my Home Economics Teacher would be truly scandalized by it. She actually liked me, but I think it was because I liked to cook. It definitely wasn’t because I was a great seamstress!
However the puppies did not notice and when I put them down for their afternoon nap they fell instantly asleep!
Sometimes good enough, is well, good enough!
I am not too great with a sewing machine either, but I can do some sewing by hand. Jin brings me all her stuff to do. I have another shirt of hers waiting to be done. Not today though, I am up to eyeballs in Birthday Cake making for Luke! Love YOU, Mel
Love the puppy sleeping pictures! They are adorable! ๐
Love you tons!
You did a great job!
If your machine is acting up, maybe it’s time for a tune up. My mom had a serger that just would NOT work for her. She gave it to me because she was sick of dealing with the demon possessed machine. I had trouble at first, but then noticed an old sewing needle was jammed in a small slot where it shouldn’t have been. Pried that thing out and it runs like a charm now!
And no, I’m not giving it back! HA!
Maybe your machine just isn’t firing right and will work perfectly once it does. ๐
I was never happier than when I finally bought a new sewing machine. I’d been struggling with my mother’s ancient Singer and it was a nightmare to attempt any sewing project on it, even with all the stars and moon in the best possible positions. After getting the new portable Sears sewing machine I went crazy and sewed for weeks or months. I bought it because I needed to sew Velcro in my dad’s pants. He’d had a stroke and that was the easiest way for him to handle getting in and out of his pants. ๐
Yea, sometimes it’s good enough is – and obviously so think the puppies too – so cute sleeping ๐
I donยดt sew either! I did when my kids were small,but now I refuse… ๐
You did a good job and the puppies seem to love it!!
I have never known exactly what “a stitch in time saves 9” meant. Just looked it up and this makes sense.
How funny… Louise wasn’t much of a sewer until she got into quilting!!
BTW, I found this whilst looking through for a GD puppies… http://www.wyredachdachshunds.com/wyredach_about.html
They are here in Sydney!!
Way to go ๐
I had to laugh out loud at your sewing experiences – You see I’m exactly the same!!! *giggles*
The result look good!!!