St Thomas

We woke just as the ship was making its way into the harbor at St. Thomas. It was a bright clear day that promised a lot of hot temperatures. Room service showed up with our morning coffee and juice, and then we showered and dressed and went to breakfast.

Our meal was delightful. Hubby had a western omelet with a croissant, and I had scrambled eggs. We sat with a couple from Puerto Rico and another from Scotland and lastly a couple from Maryland. What fun.

In fact I’ve been having so much fun meeting people. Usually I am a tad shy, but on this cruise I have been enjoying meeting all sorts of new people.

As we set off to go to town we saw how well the ship is maintained. These painters were touching up areas that I thought looked just fine. Still they were getting a fresh coat of paint nonetheless.

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Hubby and I went into town.
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We saw many interesting things for sale!

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I actually found a linen shop with some pretty table clothes. I bought two for the family room. We were walking around and suddenly Hubby didn’t look to well, so I got a cab and we came back to the ship.

We had lunch up in the buffet area, and they had Flan for a dessert.

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Oh boy, was that delicious! Then Hubby settled down to read while I went back out to the shops. I poked around and found a great table cloth for my kitchen table. But it was far too expensive! I mean, it was marked $200.00!!!! I said that I was sorry and started to leave, that’s when the bartering began. Before I was done I’d gotten her down to $35.00 and she included 4 Christmas place-mats. I felt really good about that!

As I walked back to the ship, I met a woman and her daughter. We chatted and then after an elevator ride to our respective floors, said good-bye.

I picked up some Post Cards while I was in town, so after I wrote them off I went to get them mailed at the front desk.

The lovely young woman who helped me was from Braunschweig, Germany! We talked about the dackels and her homeland and how much I love Germany. She then pronounced me her favorite passenger!

Tonight is our first formal night, I think I will wear my pant suit as I am not in the mood for a long dress. Hubby and I are hoping to catch the first stage show at 8:15 and then after get good nights sleep. After all, tomorrow we arrive in Tortola!

We dressed for dinner and then went to the Captains Champagne Welcome. I got right up there and helped fill the glasses!

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Then we had a great dinner. We did eat a bit quickly so we could go to the theater show they had on-board. The title was “Do You Want To Dance”! I have to say, these people did a great job!

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Then we came back to our cabin and look what I found waiting for me on our bed! A little puppy!

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I miss our babies so much that after I got done nibbling his heart shaped chocolate nose, I picked him up and snuggled him. Then I felt bad to have eaten his nose so I gave him a blue one!

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Good-night everyone!

8 thoughts on “St Thomas”

  1. Oh, the Puppy is so nice.
    And the whole holiday sounds very nice till now. I was longing for snow and finally we got some on Saturday but it’s more or less gone again.
    Since yesterday it’s freezing cold over here and this morning we had -10°C.
    So enjoy the sun and your time off!!

  2. Sexy! 🙂
    I´m glad you are having such a fun time.
    And I must say, you are a good “haggler”! I would probably have bought it at $100 already…

  3. Oh what a cute nightie!!! Lucky Jack!
    Mom’s tested came out fine so now more tests to check liver and spleen, this is fun! NOT! Love YOU, Mel

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