We Are In Florida!

What a day! It started at Oh-dark-thirty in the morning when we both opened our eyes just before the alarm clock went off. We were pretty much ready for our departure, but as we dressed and made coffee, I noticed that the three dackels were still in bed! We got them up, one by one, and made them face the start of the day, even if it was 3:30 AM!

We managed to get out the door by 4 AM and head toward the airport. We’d been driving for 15 minutes when I suddenly was struck by the fact, that I might have forgotten my cell phone! Oh, what would I do without my beloved and much used cell phone?

I climbed into the back seat, dug around in my bag and located the phone, my wallet and my extra glasses. Thank goodness!

Our trip to the airport went unbelievably well. The roads were clear, and no one was out. We parked at the airport, and then off we went to the terminal.

Hoping to make the Atlanta flight out of Manchester, NH we were unlucky enough to miss by two seats! We looked at the schedules and the loads on them, before deciding to go to Detroit where we had an abundance of choices.

I’m here to tell you that those choices were not so very good!

We flew on a CRJ 50 seat airplane from Manchester to Detroit. Then we waited and went from gate to gate to gate to gate. The Terminal A is the largest one I have ever seen! And we were rushing trying to wait on standby for a seat!

We arrived in Detroit and went in to a gate in the C concourse. Naturally, our flights south would be on Concourse A. From one end to the other.

Concourse A with 1.5 miles of moving walkways serves American Airlines. Additionally, the Express Tram stops at the South station near gate A11, the Terminal station in the center near the water feature, and the North station near gate A67. Concourse A has to the left gates A1-38; to the right gates A40-75, and at its center the tunnel connecting to Concourse B to the left and Concourse C to the right.

By 2 o’clock, there was a lull in the flights, and as we walked down the concourse, I saw it…THE GOLDEN ARCHES!!! I hadn’t had much to eat all day and by two o’clock my blood sugar suddenly did a nose dive. We went in and got a cheeseburger, fries and diet Pepsi! You know what? It tasted so good!!! I haven’t had a McDonald’s cheeseburger in YEARS!

We waited for yet another Fort Lauderdale Florida flight, and at 5:30 in the afternoon, we made it!!!

As I write I am currently sitting in the back of a 757 heading south. It’s been a bumpy ride with a little two year old behind me, whose poor mom doesn’t know what to do. I think this kid has her all figured out and is running the show!

But I do not care! We will get to Florida tonight, and be there to get on the ship tomorrow!

4 thoughts on “We Are In Florida!”

  1. SO glad that you made it to Ft Lauderdale… Sounded like a ‘fun’ trip!! And the McDonalds first in years, do you have Pepsi in your Macca’s, as we have Coke!!

    I may not be able to watch you depart dock, but have a GREAT cruise…

  2. Enjoy your trip! Sorry the day went on forever, but in the end you are ready to cruise! Have a great trip! Love YOU, Mel

  3. Hi,
    Glad you made it to FL safe and sound. Now all you have to do is enjoy. All is well here. Yup they all slept with me and Fritz was on guard beside my side of bed. Nope the critters didn’t push me out. Snow, rain very slushy here but mild. Perc finally arrived to clear things for me. So all is set. This stuff weighs a ton too. It will be mild this week thank God. Have a wonderful time. I’ll keep you posted. They are all napping right now. 🙂 Take care. :)Carolyn:)

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