Friday Fill-Ins

Friday Fill Ins

And…here we go!

1. Oh, that husband of mine! Just when I think he can not surprise me, he does or says something that makes me feel so loved and cherished.
2. It’s a sure sign of late Autumn when there is frost on the pumpkin.
3. Are we having chicken again??!.
4. My heart beats fast and I feel like it will pop out of my chest.
5. Do you believe in Angels? I sure do!
6. I’m a grandma who loves her Savannah.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to a little rest, tomorrow my plans include the washing, drying and ironing of shirts (ugh!) and Sunday, I want to relax and maybe take a nap!

3 thoughts on “Friday Fill-Ins”

  1. We have at least one game for the weekend, church and who knows what else. You have a good one! Love YOU, Mel

  2. We’ve got Ralphy Saturday…or I should say I have Ralphy, since Dave wants to hang out with Isaiah because he’s not supposed to watch tv, read or be on the computer or phone.

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