Thursday Thirteen

Scav Sat

This and that this week!

  1. I had to say good bye to a dear friend, as she moves south. I hope it won’t be for too long. I will really miss her!
  2. We grocery shopped on Tuesday and I could not believe the prices in the stores. They were so much higher than 10 days ago.
  3. We had a weird thing happen at Walmart. I went to pay for our purchase with my Amex Credit Card, and it was rejected!
  4. I was so puzzled, but I used my Visa card and all went well.
  5. Today I picked up the mail, and we got new Amex cards sent to us. I was puzzled as they had the same expiration dates!
  6. So, I called my American Express provider and asked what was going on.
  7. It turns out that our data had been compromised and that a whole block of us had to be issued new cards.
  8. So far I have not had any bad charges show up. They must have caught it it time.
  9. Meanwhile, Hubby and I spent the morning changing the numbers on all of our pre-paid accounts.
  10. This made me slightly crazy as my Facebook account was hacked yesterday and I had to fix all of that.
  11. I really hate the thought of malicious little hackers trying to rock my world…in a bad way!
  12. Friday is a girls day with Mandy and Savannah! Yay!!!
  13. We’re planning a Mall visit, as well as a trip to Trader Joes!

4 thoughts on “Thursday Thirteen”

  1. I went to Trader Joes yesterday, no Christmas stuff yet, but lots of other good stuff. Love YOU, Mel

  2. Your Facebook account was hacked ?? How is that possible ? I just have my profile there and that’s it. Anyway I don’t like it and don’t go there very often !

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