Please, Bear With Me….

I wish I could tell you that this set of surgeries have been easy for me, but they haven’t. The first day found them having to operate 4 times to remove the cancer on my nose before they packed it up with gauze and sent me to the hotel. I hardly slept with the pain, but soon enough it was time to get up and go to the hospital.
It was snowing hard, just like I knew it would. We made it over fine, as the hotel was only a quarter of a mile from the hospital. (It was the Residence Inn and truly catered to me making my stay comfortable and pleasant. And they accept dogs, although we did not bring ours!))
At the hospital, they took me right in as I was the first surgery of the day, and the nurses got me all prepared. The Anesthesiologist came and spoke to me, explaining that they would put me to sleep for this operation, and the two doctors came in and looked at what they had left to work with. Frankly when the Anesthesiologist came back to bring me to the OR, he gave me my first injection and I fell instantly asleep.
The decision was made to take a flap of skin from my forehead and spread it over my nose. Meanwhile they stitched the top of the forehead up. There is still a flap attached to the forehead so the skin can get a blood supply.
All that means is that I must be very quiet for the next week. I go back on Tuesday to get the stitches out and then they will decide when to do the last operation to mend in the flap. That is also another surgery where I will have to go to sleep.
So I am not attaching pictures of my poor face. I know a few of you don’t do well, and these are pretty graphic. But should anyone want to see them I will forward them to you privately.
In the night Apparently my hair got all twisted and this morning I spent 20 minutes combing out the snarls. I now have pony tails like Abby Scuitto on NCIS. This way I can lie flat without my hair getting all twisted.
I am lucky that I have gotten the cancer taken care of. I know this. But  the pain is very great!
Hubby has been wonderful, truly spoiling me and making sure I have good nourishment and plenty of fluids. I’m a lucky woman!
Well, that is all for now. I need to put my head back so the bleeding doesn’t start again.

10 thoughts on “Please, Bear With Me….”

  1. I hope you are feeling better soon and I am sure you’ll be back to your normal gorgeous self in no time flat!

  2. You are a real trooper. Keep up the work of healing and I’ll keep the prayers going. It is amazing what they can do these days to “fix” things up.
    Moving day and I am exhausted to start out. I stayed here to eat my breakfast and will get gas and be over at Nan’s in a bit. Tired! Love YOU, Mel

  3. The cancer is gone! Focus on that. The pain will go away, but the cancer is GONE!! I will pray for quick healing. Sending gentle hugs your way!

  4. I was so busy I haven’t been reading any Blogs in ages.
    I am glad you are coping. It must be horrible!!
    I am thinking about you!

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