
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking in the last couple of weeks about who I think I am. I finally had to admit that I do like the way I have always looked, and found facing myself in the mirror fairly easy to do. (It was better when I was in my twenties, but heck…)

Now I am faced (no pun intended) with having a new face to look at each day.

After my car accident I had a few scars on my face that eventually faded. I had plastic surgery on my ear, because it was nearly torn off in that accident. But in the end, this new face was something I got used to.

When I had detached retinas I found I could no longer wear my contact lenses, and I got used to wearing glasses instead.

After all, it’s more important to be able to see to live your life.

Now I will have to learn to live with a new nose. I’m guessing it will not be like my old one, and that’s okay. I think eventually your forget what once was and find that you accept the new normal.

After all, I’m still me inside here. I’m still the Maribeth that I have always been. Just the old nose will have changed.

mb age 3 Maribeth

This is me at age three. Then the next one is from Christmas. Soon we will have the after. I can hardly wait to see it.

3 thoughts on “Before”

  1. That’s the most important thing ! Being yourself !
    On a header I saw this “Be yourself, everyone else is taken.’. Oscar Wilde That’s a very good advice ! Maybe you will love your new nose better then the old one ? who knows ?

  2. As Dave told me this morning, there is only one you, never was another you and never ever will there be. So that makes you unique in the eyes of God <3

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