Fun With Savannah

Friday I spent my entire day with my granddaughter, Savannah Rose. She is a delight, and this grandmother had such a good time with her.

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It’s funny I worry at times she will not know me, but she always does, so I am thinking that I have a face that people don’t forget!

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Actually, at one point Savannah was playing quietly and I slipped into the bathroom and not two seconds went by before I heard her say loudly, “Hi”, “Hi”, “Hi”!!! As she looked for me.

I hollered back “Hi!” and she came running into the bathroom, and smiled at me and said quite happily, “Hi”!

We read books together, curled up on the sofa with the blanket, we danced  and we laughed…a lot!

Happy from Dackel Princess Maribeth on Vimeo.

She is talking pretty well now, but she finds Grandma hard to say. I am thinking that perhaps I will have her call me “Oma”. That’s German for Grandmother. I like it so much better than Nana, Mimi, and some of the other nicknames for grandmother.

Ah well, Savannah will call me whatever makes her happy!

My day with Savannah ended, and I drove to get gas cheaply ($3.47 a gallon), food for Fritz and a few groceries for us, then I zipped home and we had a pick up dinner.

The end to a perfect Friday!

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