To Ski Or Not To SKi?

To ski or not to ski, that is the question.
Friends of ours called and asked if I wanted to ski with them today. Part of me thinks it is unfair to ski, when Hubby is so obviously miserable with his knees, but the other part of me longs for the wide open trails and the wind blowing over my face. Hmmm.
It’s a no-brainer. I’m going skiing.
Somehow the thought of one more day on that stupid exercise bike, (also known as an instrument of torture) was really more than I could take. So off I go into the snow, for a morning of skiing.

Last night while I was fixing dinner, I put on a couple of CD’s and turned up the volume and sang my brains out. Greta loves this. She follows me around the kitchen jumping up. Hubby says it because she is trying to get me to stop, but I know she just appreciates my fine voice! (LOL)

One thought on “To Ski Or Not To SKi?”

  1. I hope you have a wonderful time skiing. That postcard is just too cute.

    Wolfie loves it when I sing, especially really high. He gets very excited and wants to give me lots of kisses.

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