Friday Five

Friday Five

  1. Hubby and I have been working hard out in the garden. I am afraid that we will not be as prosperous this year. It makes me feel rather sad.
  2. You see, I did not start my own plants this year. I bought all my plants, save the Butternut Squash. However, everything in the big garden, except the summer squash, are just not doing well.
  3. I sat down with my notebook and began to plan next years garden. I will buy my own seeds early on, get good soil, and start my plants in March in the greenhouse in larger pots.
  4. It is kind of funny, I have potted plants on the patio, and they are doing just great! Loads of tomotoes, eggplant, green peppers and my basil overflowith!
  5. IMG_0409

  6. This year we will simply make daily runs to the local farm stand for fresh vegetables. It will be good for the local economy.

    4 thoughts on “Friday Five”

    1. Nothing for me ! I hate gardening, I just do what is absolutely necessary !
      BTW you never comment on posts, is it a lack of time ?

    2. Gardens aren’t doing well this year, it is the crazy weather and also the plants that are not disease resistant. UGH! Love YOU, Mel

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