The week raced by me, as I was pretty busy and not paying attention to much. Actually I was paying attention to a few things, but somehow sitting down and writing about them just didn’t happen. So here are 5 things from my week.
- The most important thing was that I got to drive down, visit with my daughter and grandson, and hold sweet Quinn in my arms. He is three weeks old now, but still curls into the fetal position, and snuggles warmly against your heart. He has the fairest of blondish/reddish hair and very light eyes. So very handsome. I held this little guy close to me and my heart grew three sizes at least! Being an Oma to two beautiful and healthy children is a dream come true for me.
- My daughter is looking wonderful. Quinn’s birth was tough on her, but she finally has color back in her cheeks and is feeling better. I will tell you that I admire my daughter so much. Amanda is an amazing woman!
- I need a root canal. I am not happy about it, (who is) but I trust my Endodontist so much, that I am not worried about it too much. Trust me, I am looking forward to the end of pain.
- My little old Lady Greta is having a few little health problems and I have spent more time at the Vet’s this week than I really wanted. However, I understand that this is a problem I can take care of with daily medication. Greta is my girl and I will do anything to make her life happier and healthier.
- Today is skin cancer screening day. I will go over, strip naked, and have my entire body checked. My Dermatologist is a lovely lady, and I have every confidence in her.
So, it’s been a busy week, and I am looking forward to a rather quiet and relaxed weekend. I have a few small projects to work on, but I also would like to enjoy some reading time and some movie time.
Whatever your weekend plans may be, I hope you have a really good time!
Such a sweet picture of you with Quinn! Love YOU, Mel