It’s All About…Having Fun!

I’ve been trying to get Hubby out more, to go exploring. So many things are really pricey to do these days, but last week during the noon news I heard of a local beer tasting, that was in our town and admission was free.

Now this is interesting, as both Hubby and I love beer, even though we don’t drink it very much any more, due to diabetes and well, it just plain makes me fat!

Anyway, Wednesday came and I got Hubby ready and off we went on a beer adventure. Fun right?

Well, we arrived and the first thing I noticed was that there was no sign pointing us to the beer tasting. I wondered how people could possibly find this event with no signage?

We walked in, went down the stairs to the ballroom, and a man met us at the entrance. We signed in, and he gave us a name tag, and then asked, “What company are you with?”.

Well, we looked at each other and wondered what he meant. But we smiled and entered the area. The first table we came to had smoked fish and shrimp and the man asked us “What company are you with?”.

We explained that we are basically neighbors to the event, and we’d heard about it on the TV. Everyone was so nice, and graciously offered us samples.

We went from tables with nuts, the beer, to more fish, to simply the best Ricotta/Asiago cheese stuffed ravioli, more beer and then I hit the mother load. Gelato!

Who knew Gelato could be so good? The worker offered me cups of banana caramel, chocolate with chunks of chocolate and my favorite coffee with chocolate swirls and chunks. I could have stayed there all day, but we moved on to more beer, bread and bacon.

Let’s just be clear here. There is nothing better than bacon. Especially when it comes right from the farm!

Well, it turns out this was an event for restaurants and caterers. It was not really a general public thing, but the people running it were so nice and welcomed us with open arms. We spent about two hours tasting and talking and having a great time.

I felt a little bit like Forest Gump.


In the end, I think we can both say, it was a blast!

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