This And That Wednesday

I’m in a ramblin’ mood folks. Nothing is happening that would fill a post, but a lot of little things are, so here goes.

Last night as I prepared for bed, I looked up at the wall near my computer. What did I see? A gazillion Black Flies! (blackfly – (Diptera Simuliidae) small blackish stout-bodied biting fly having aquatic larvae; sucks the blood of birds as well as humans and other mammals) What to do, what to do? Well, I got out the vacuum and vacuumed them all up (I also got the cobwebs that I’d been ignoring for the last couple of months). Hubby was puzzled about how they got in. Easy. We open our sliding glass doors a million times a day for the dogs.

Fritz and Greta went in for their heart worm/shots appointments at the Vets yesterday. Greta is definitely my dog. She is a little chubby right now (19 1/2 lbs) and I am to exercise her more and reduce her wet food a bit. She is in good health. She did, however, get all her shots yesterday and last night she was a sore little girl.
Fritz is a skinny dog (73.4 lbs) and he is not a good eater. As I have said before, he is definitely not my dog! All my dogs have been good eaters and like me, on the verge of chubbiness! I talked to the Vet about Fritz being a nervous wreck in the car, and he suggested that on long trips we use Benedryl to calm him down. I sure hope that works. If not, I have the sign made.

As we watched TV I went to pick up Greta who screamed! Hubby was convinced I had done her bodily harm, but a few moments later he went to pick her up and she did the same thing. “It’s the shot’s”, I said. And I am sure that is was.

Now, due to the fact that both dogs got shots yesterday, they were feeling a little punk (under the weather). They both slept late today and this meant that I also got to sleep. What is late? 8:15!!! This is the latest I have slept since Fritz came to our house 2 1/2 years ago!!!

Here are a few pictures from our yard. Spring is just around the corner!!! The first is a lilac bud, not yet open. The second is a baby lilac! The third is a view from our house.

4 thoughts on “This And That Wednesday”

  1. ROFL I love Fritz in the box! Check out my flickr…I took very similar pictures yesterday. See you can tell we’re related!

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