This & That

The weekend came and went incredibly fast. In fact, I am finding that the year 2016 to be going along far too fast. But most pleasantly so.

On Friday my cousin Janet, and her husband Dave, called at the last minute and asked if we were up for Lobster Fest 2016? Well, I will tell you one thing…I am always up for New England boiled Lobsters.


They arrived in the afternoon, and Janet and I did some shopping up town. As it was Friday, and I live in a town well known for a tourist destination in the summer, the traffic was terrible. In fact, while we were in one shop, the fire whistle blew and police and rescue squads arrived. I saw a young policeman directing traffic around the accident.

My friend in the shop said that the police had answered another call a half hour before, in the same place. It was sheer madness, I tell you!

When we left the shop we headed down the road toward the traffic lights. As we pulled up next to the police car, I looked and saw the officer was very sad. I knew he had already responded to two traffic accidents and I could see the stress. I rolled my window down and said to him, “Officer. Thank you so much for your service to our community. Thank you for taking care of us.” He looked at me and he smiled. I hope to God I made him feel appreciated.  After the assassinations of the police officers in Dallas, I felt a kind word would be appreciated.

The Lobsters and Steamers were remarkably good, as was the fresh corn on the cob. I also made my grapenut pudding to serve as a little dessert.

It was so nice and relaxed and we all had a great time. Unfortunately, all too soon they had to hit the road to drive home.

Hubby and I finally purchased an Amazon Fire Stick, so we can stream various things on our smart TV. We used to be able to stream everything, but recently we got a notice from Amazon that they no longer supported our “Old TV”. We bought it in 2011.

So on Saturday we started at the very beginning of the show “Homeland”, with Clare Danes. She is remarkable, as are the other cast members. After two episodes, Hubby and I are hooked!

I hope you all had a great weekend. Enjoy it. Before you know, summer will be over!

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