Ying & Yang

Since I believe in the ying and yang of life, the ups and the downs, and yesterday was a bit of a downer day for me, today will be an up day. Hmmmm, what to say, what to say?
Hubby has his staples out! Yes, and he did not fall apart so this is good news, very good news indeed!

He is still hobbling around on crutches and wants his meals served to him on a tray in his room, but I am personally suspicious that this is just a ploy on his part for attention.
In between meals he hobbles out into the yard to work on his fruit trees, pointing out where I over sprayed here, and under sprayed there. What he doesn’t know is, I have him now!
The next time we are due for spraying I intend to bring him out and make him do it! Oh and I’ll sit there and watch and say “helpful” things like “you missed a spot” or “a little more on the left”. Now that I’m an official sprayer I can offer these words of advise!
I was still worrying about him this morning. “How’s the pain?” I asked. He would put on that brave face, and tell me how he was getting by.
This afternoon I went outside to check on him while he was thinning peaches and asked how he was doing and would he like anything. He said a glass of ice cold white wine in a long stem wine glass would be nice.
Dream on, like that is going to happen! I did relent and brought him some wine, but in a cheapo glass that I would not miss if Fritz knocked it over and broke it.
He has since come back in and has retreated to his room where he is “King of the Remote Control” and his food and the beverage of his choice will magically appear…maybe.

9 thoughts on “Ying & Yang”

  1. Yes …surely today will get better….It is good that hubby is doing well though. I must say that if he had critiqued my spraying……………..he may get sprayed

  2. How nice to hear he was ready for a nice glass of chilled wine! meaning he is feeling better! king of the remote control, lol, loved it!

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