Are We Cooking Yet?

I woke up to 80° temperatures with 70 % humidity and that was at 6:30 this morning. What is wrong with this picture? I live in the mountains of New Hampshire where it’s supposed to stay cool! HA!
Do you know what happens when a woman of a certain age steps outside to, say walk her dogs, in this heat? Hot Flashes. Or what I like to call rolling hot flashes! One after another, after another, after another!


We lived down in Florida for a while. Down in Punta Gorda, where Hurricane Charley decided to come ashore and sort of explode the town. We were there for 6 years. I loved my house, I loved the people, I loved the church that we went to and I loved singing in the choir. What I hated was the heat and humidity. Just going out to get the news paper would find me soaking my robe. I lived in sleeveless tops and shorts and went from my air conditioned house to my air conditioned car, to the air conditioned store. But somehow in the 5 seconds it took to go from place to place, I would soak my clothes.
Gold Bond powder and Deep Woods Off became my after bath ritual. Ah yes, the smell of insecticide in the morning!
After 6 years we moved home to New Hampshire. I kept asking myself why I’d ever left. I guess the answer is, the grass is always greener…
I’ve been happy to be home. Cold winters, warm springs, pleasant summers and deliciously cool Autumns! Yes, you can take the girl out of New England, but you can’t take the New England out of the girl.
So I find this tropical oven we are living in here in New Hampshire, right now, to be pretty disturbing!

On a brighter note, upon checking my garden this morning I found two more “Incredible Hulk Cucumbers”, so another batch of Mustard Pickles is in the works!

4 thoughts on “Are We Cooking Yet?”

  1. Hi again! back and blogging but it was much nicer up in the mountains, at least the evenings were pleasantly cool…can’t stand the humidity here…can’t wait for september to arrive! really. Happy wednesday!

  2. Our hot weather ended this weekend. Germany is covered in rain for the next week and now our temperatures are in the 70s. The summer’s over, back to socks and sweaters :-/

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