TBT: My Sister & Me

I have so many pictures of my sister and me, but this week I thought I would share one of my favorites. This was taken when I was in 5th grade and my sister was a Sophmore in High School. Back then I was still shorter than my sister but soon grew to be much taller than her.


I remember how much I loved that brown dress. It was the height of fashion in the late 1960’s and I felt so grown up in it. I also recall that it fit me for such a short time as this was the year that I grew several inches and started to get my adult body. But oh, looking back at this picture, I can easily recall how lovely I felt!

My sister’s dress never fit me. She is so slender and her body frame is so petite compared to mine. I loved it and we usually did wear each other’s clothes, but this beautiful dress just never fit me. Even now, Mel is slightly built, and when we compare our wrists, hers is tiny and mine is quite large.

It’s also interesting to note that at that time we did not look too much alike. However, in our twenties, we looked like twins. Now as we enter our golden years, we have gone back to being quite individual.

The one thing that has never changed from the time when we were very little until now is our deep and abiding love for each other. How very blessed we are to have each other.

Love you so much Mel!


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