
I woke this morning and walked out into the kitchen to discover that poor Lili had been sick in the night. I mean, really sick. She had somehow managed to hit every throw carpet in the kitchen, and almost every inch of the floor.

Before I even had my first cup of coffee, I had to clean everything up and mop the floor after. I also got all four rugs into the washer and then I came up, washed up and sat down with my coffee.

Despite knowing I had done a thorough cleaning, all I could smell was dog sick. In self-defense, I lit a candle and sprayed Fabreeze and prayed for a change in the wind! LOL!

Fortunately, Lili recovered quickly, and none of the other dogs got sick. I suspect that Lili has been drinking out of the Spring on our property. Not exactly good for her tummy!


As I write Lili is curled up next to me. She was so upset this morning and acted rather ashamed of herself. Tonight she is acting so sweet and loving. I think this is her attempt to make it up to me. I’m just glad she is feeling better!


One thought on “Ugh!”

  1. Poor Lili! We once were dogsitting for a beautiful Golden, Sophie, who stayed with us frequently. She got terribly sick and seemed to try to confine it to our tiled foyer. Poor thing looked so ashamed – made me feel even worse for her.

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