Retail Therapy

I went to North Conway yesterday and was able to visit my favorite store, The LL Bean Outlet. I’m not usually lucky with Outlet stores. My size is usually gone and I end up buying things for Hubby. There is always a ton of tall man’s stuff there and he tends to make out like a bandit!
Yesterday, I made out like a bandit! I got:
A coral sand colored mock turtleneck.


A new cream fleece bathrobe for the winter.


A new pair of winter boots.


And a new pair of lined ski pants!


Yes, I felt heady with the purchases weighing down my arms. What a joy. We even went over to Liz Claiborne where I tried on a few things, coming away with a short sleep blue shirt and a new pair of brown trousers!

Ah yes, retail therapy. It doesn’t get any better than that!

6 thoughts on “Retail Therapy”

  1. Wow, I didn’t know they put in outlets in North Conway. South end of town perchance? I used to freq N. Conway alot. I can see it in my minds eye. My very first rockclimb was on Cathedral Ledges just northwest of downtown.
    Retail therapy is the bombdiggity baby!!

  2. I *love* the bathrobe!! I would love to have a trench in that colour, but unfortunately cream washes me out. Looks like you got some awesome purchases there!!

  3. Damn Janet said it first…love the boots! I am going to check out the new LL Bean store in Burlington, MA with my mom for my birthday in Oct… can’t wait!

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