My Day

I got Shubi slurping baby rice cereal mixed with warm water every few hours. This has stayed down and kept her hydrated. I think the antibiotics are starting to take hold as her fever is finally down. Whew! She knows how to scare the daylights out of me. Still, I will be happy when she is running all over the house again, as she normally does.
In-between bowls of rice cereal, I was trying to clean the house. After 2 1/2 weeks of doing no house work, the place was a real disaster and a friend is coming to visit who has never seen my house before. So, I really don’t want the place to look too bad.
I started to get sort of manic about the cleaning and had to remind myself that sanding the wood floors and refinishing them was really not considered housework.

So, tomorrow I will wash the wood floors and then not look at them.
Because I was busy with “work”, I tossed a tape into the VCR and recorded my favorite Saturday morning BBC America shows for viewing later.
I sat down at lunch and started to watch “Changing Rooms” and “House Invaders” and “The House Doctor” and suddenly I felt I should be painting the walls and rearranging the furniture!
Once again I had to remind myself that repainting, reorganizing and remodeling the house is not cleaning. And today I am simply cleaning the place.
My friend has never been here. She lived near me when I lived in Florida. She is a good house keeper. I am a comfortable house keeper. Let’s face it. With three dogs and a husband who is retired and home ALL the time, my house does not stay clean. In fact I can do a complete deep clean and five minutes after I finish the house looks like I did nothing. So I happily live in a state of minor chaos.
I dream of the day when I might have just a bit more order in my life, but somehow, I doubt that it will happen in this life.

2 thoughts on “My Day”

  1. GOOD GOD! Sanding the floors! That is so NOT cleaning. That is MAJOR house repairs. Don’t you HIRE someone to do that stuff? I am going to make a terrible homeowner. The most I can do is paint!

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