The Weekend Wrap

weekend wrap 1

Well as much as I wanted, Sunday was not a quiet day. It started nicely enough, as I listened to music and crocheted.

“An Affair To Remember” came on TCM, and I enjoyed watching that for the millionth time! I always sit here are ask myself if Deborah Kerr’s last name is pronounced Car or Ker? Jack says it is Car. Anyway, I cried like a baby at the end, as I always do.

Then Jack got sick and I was busy with all of that. I still do not know how I raised two children. I do not handle cleaning up after a sick person well. But such is life. I somehow managed.

I need to call the Vet at 8:30 as Anneliese is having a problem. I’m not sure what it is, but I fear it is more to do with her breast cancer problem spreading.

Happy Monday!

4 thoughts on “The Weekend Wrap”

  1. Hoping today is a better day and Jack is well. Also hoping Anneliese isn’t too sick. So very sorry she is ill

  2. Kerr can be pronounced either way, But the actress always said “carr”

    sorry you’re having such a miserable time. Good thoughts for Jack and for annaliese.

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