I woke up with the “King Kong” of migraines this morning. Wow! I can’t believe my head can hurt this much without having had any alcohol the night before! I have loaded up on extra strength Tylenol and prayer.
We take Fritz to the eye specialist today for a recheck on his Corneal Dysplasia. I’m not sure it really looks any worse to me. But then, what do I know? We will see what the Vet says.
I was prepared to drive the furry guy to the Vets alone, but when I mentioned this to Hubby, he put his foot down and said, “NO”. so, he will drive us and I can actually relax. I hate being such a wimp.
I took two good pictures yesterday. The first was of the Mount Washington Hotel with Mount Washington behind it.
The second one was taken of our little group on top of Cannon Mountain.
Shown are Bob, Candy, Hubby and Me.
I get weird, migrainesque headaches sometimes in one eye only. Only for me, Tylenol does nothing. It’s gotta be Advil or nothing at all.
How ironic! I woke up with a migraine, too! And no alcohol last night, either. Weird!
There is nothing worse then a bad headache!! The only thing that works for me is Excedrin, but it makes me WIRED! 🙂
Wow! You have lots of friends named Janet!
I used to get migraines all the time. Man, they are horrible. I started taking Imitrex (prescription) and they just disappeared. I haven’t had one in years.
Mount Washington Hotel is gorgeous!
I know you told us that was the Mt. Washington Hotel but I swear it looks like the Von Trapp family Lodge. We should go there sometime and bring all those friends you have named Janet.