The End Of The Weekend

I love Sundays. It’s the one day of the week that I tend to kick off my shoes and relax. I can sit down with the Sunday newspaper, a cup of freshly brewed coffee and catch up on everything I have missed over the week.

At least on most Sundays.

This Sunday was the one after a major holiday. I did 8 loads of laundry, spent time putting my serving dishes away and found time, between raindrops to bring the puppies outside and toss their toy balls around. Oh yes, and I managed to work on grooming Arnie some more.

Still, despite that long list of chores, I felt fairly relaxed on Sunday night and not over worked. In fact I wanted to try something new and I made french fries using plain potatoes (not frozen pre-made fries) and cooked them in the deep fryer. The results were just okay. I think I would slice the fries thinner next time.

The week ahead finds me grocery shopping, going to the dentist and starting yet another diet. I know, I know. Since I started this blog 2+ years ago, I have started a gazillion diets. Oh well, at least I never give up.

july 6 032
Anneliese, Arnie,and Greta with me.

Have a great week everyone!

3 thoughts on “The End Of The Weekend”

  1. As what I can see from your pictures, you don’t need any diet ! I think the puppies keep you enough in shape ! Thank you for your birthday wishes, I had a nice day together with my son and even the sun came out and we could sit in the garden ! It was a miracle ! But of course today it’s grey again !

  2. Hi Mom,
    Sounds like you had a nice holiday weekend, and a busy one! Me too! Theo moved out this weekend, so busy with that, then played lots of volleyball and softball. (We won our game yesterday, and I got my first runner out at home! I was so excited!)
    Doing some last minute things around the house, and then I head out to the airport in about an hour for yet another week in TX!
    Hope you have a good one!
    Love you,

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