
Monday morning found me working with Heidi on some simple command and response training. She is learning to sit, down, and stay. The sitting part is going very well. The down is a bit more challenging, as I see her little face asking me “How much further do I have to go down?” And the stay, well it’s early yet.

20220131_133316The sleepy student after her walk.

Heidi is very motivated by food, proving once again that we are spiritually related. She is smart as a whip and is learning to listen when her name is called.

When we built our home we had the outside cement steps built so that our dackels could get up and down the steps easily. Monday was Heidi’s first attempt up the steps and she did it beautifully!

And as each day passes, Heidi and Lili become closer and closer. I almost felt that Lili was cheering her on this morning when I was working through her commands. Lili sat, downed, and stayed as a stellar example for Heidi to follow.


20220128_095027Have a great day!

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