This & That

It was sort of a wild and busy day, so I decided to just quickly jot down the day’s happenings.

May 02 10 013

  • Woke to rainy skies. It makes the early morning dog walk easy. I let them out and they hurry do their thing and run back in!
  • Took Anneliese out for a ride. Now that we are less than a month to her Heat due date, it is time to start allowing her out to ride, so she gets used to traveling.
  • She shook like crazy at first, but by the end of the ride, she was acting like she always went for rides like this.
  • In fact, when we got home, she was showing off in front of the other dogs! It was so funny to watch!
  • Hubby bought a new Peach Tree. A Reliance Peach Tree. I love the Reliance Peaches, and look forward to the time when they bear fruit!
  • I bought three eggplant plants (redundant, yes?) and one green pepper plant. Hubby asked me why. That sure is easy. I love eggplant!
  • After Hubby left to go to work, I spent time in the Greenhouse. I needed to re-pot some tomatoes, cherry tomatoes and Ichiban Eggplants.
  • Hubby worked late and I was starved. Sine I am working hard on Weight Watchers, I did not blow the diet by eating junk. Instead, I went outside with the dogs and walked around the yard.
  • Did I mention I now have a pedometer? Love it. I try to do 10 + miles per day.
  • Since working up to over 10 miles per day, my feet have stopped hurting! Perhaps what they say is true…”Use It Or Lose It”!
  • The rain stopped, and the wind blew up. The skies are clearing as the sun is setting. I sure hope tomorrow is a nice day!
  • I made my Fiber One Muffins! That will be breakfast in the morning. Yum!

4 thoughts on “This & That”

  1. Good for you! for not blowing your diet! Have you shared the Fiber One Muffins’ recipe?? I couldn’t find it in your archives…please?

  2. I think it’s true, when you don’t move you get rusty !
    Since I do my yoga exercises each morning my back never hurt again and I am not getting up from a chair like an old potatoe bag !

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