Cherries, Cherries & More Cherries!!!

Tuesday, while I went in to work, Hubby finished picking the cherries, and he cleaned two bushels of them for me to cook down and make jelly out of.

So after lunch, and a previously scheduled doctors appointment, I came home and cooked the cherries down.

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June 29 005

Once they were soft and juicy, I mashed them and then strained the juice, filled some nylon bags with the last of the mash, and tomorrow I will take all the juice and make jelly!

If you have never had cherry jelly, you have never lived. It is totally amazing and delicious! At least mine is!

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Here is a jar from last year’s batch.

Wednesday is Weight Watchers and I sure hope I have done okay. Either way, I will report in.

Happy Wednesday!

8 thoughts on “Cherries, Cherries & More Cherries!!!”

  1. I prefer the cherries as they are. I am not a big fan of jelly.
    But the cherries itself look delicious.

    Good luck with WW!!

  2. I´ve never had enough cherries to make jelly. I usually just gobble them all up, before they get to the stove…. 🙂
    Good luck at WW!!

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