Our Christmas!

We got up and we let the dogs have their toy gifts. They were so happy with their chew toys and their balls.
I made bacon, eggs and German Stollen with coffee and juice. Then we cleaned up, and dressed and got ready for our day with Mandy, Matt and Savannah.
We arrived a little early, about 1:30, and my former husband and his family were still there. It was so nice to see them all.
Hubby brought the wrapped car to the house first thing and brought it into the living room and Savannah immediately opened it and squealed with delight! She immediately jumped into it and had to get rides!

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Savannah and car 1

We opened presents and I was so happy that somehow Savannah found this Oma Mug for me!

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Mandy and I worked on appetizers and snacks, and then eventually dinner. Matt cooked Cowboy steaks for himself and Hubby (they are very tender rib eye steaks with the bone still on.) It was so tender and delicious! Amanda made jumbo shrimp for the two of us. Then we had mashed potatoes, mashed butternut squash and green beans. For dessert, my apple crisp with vanilla ice cream.

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I snuggled with Savannah as the day wore on. There is nothing better in the entire world, then when your grandchild is in your arms!

We had coffee and then left there about 7:30. We drove home and all was well. The dogs were happy to see us and after we let them out and they played, they came in and at about 10:30 I went to bed. I felt so tired.

I must tell you this is one of the very best Christmas’ I have had ever!

I hope you all had a wonderful one too!

4 thoughts on “Our Christmas!”

  1. So happy you had a great day! I agree that there is nothing as wonderful as a cuddle with Grand children! Love YOU, Mel

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