It’s All About Clean Rugs and Floors

On Thursday morning, I woke to find that Anneliese had an accident on the family room carpet. This carpet is almost ten years old, and aside from being vacuumed, it’s only been spot washed.


Quinn standing on the rug we shampooed today!

So, since it was supposed to be 90+ degrees today, I decided to roll up the rug, carry it outside to our patio and vacuum and then shampoo the old thing. We got it rolled up and outside, and by ten o’clock it was already 90 degrees out there. So, with my hat in place, I started my mission.

Operation Clean Rugs & Floors

I vacuumed, and then started using the carpet cleaning machine to not only shampoo it, but rinse it as well.

What a tough job in the heat. I was soaked to the skin when I was done and feeling a few muscles that have been asleep for a while.

While the carpet dried, I took the no-skid underskirt and washed that in the washing machine and then hung it out to dry. It dried in about 20 minutes in this heat. Really a perfect day to do all this.

I washed the floors in the kitchen and family-room, and then moved the bookcase from the left side of the sofa to the right, giving me a safer spot to place my laptop computer on a small desk, which now sits where the bookcase did, next to my chair.

By four o’clock all was dry and the rooms were ready to be put back together. Jack helped me place the non-skid skirt, and then the carpet on top. Right now, the house smells wonderfully clean and fresh and despite a few aching muscles, it was totally worth the time and all the energy we put into it.

One note here: The dogs are totally confused. They thought the rug smelled perfectly fine. You know that Pepe La-Pew Doggy Scent that pups love so much! This new lemon scented cleaner/deodorizer is simply too clean for them!


3 thoughts on “It’s All About Clean Rugs and Floors”

  1. It’s a sign of returned health that you once again are doing more in one day than I do in a month!

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