Happy 11th Birthday Arnie & Anneliese

Can you believe this? The two doggies that I still refer to as my puppies, are 11 years old today! I simply cannot believe it! I know, stop being repetitive, but really, I can’t believe it!

14 years ago I traveled to Germany with Jack and brought home baby Greta. In time we found Greta a handsome German husband, Bernie, and together they created five beautiful puppies, two of which ended up staying in our home.

arnie and anneliese

We’d actually decided to keep Anneliese, and Arnie had been sold. But on the day he was supposed to go, the prospective owner, changed her mind. The puppies were 12 weeks old then, and we were smitten. So, Arnie stayed.

It’s actually been a very special experience for us. When you have two sibling puppies from the moment they draw breath onward. You watch how they learn to play with each other, how they learn to share with each other, but over the years you watch their bond of love deepen. For Jack and I, we believe it’s been one of the greatest gifts we have ever had.

In due time, after being judged twice by German Judges, we decided to breed Anneliese. She had four beautiful puppies.

Feb 12 11 026


Jan 22 017


Although I wanted to breed Arnie, no one was interested in him. Apparently they thought he was just another pretty face.

They are both healthy and happy and going strong in life. They cuddle with me at night, or if I am sitting in my chair. We have been blessed.

So, let’s take a look back with this short montage of their lives. Anneliese was the green collar baby pup in the film and Arnie the blue collar pup. Enjoy!

Arnie and Anneliese Birthday from Dackel Princess Maribeth on Vimeo.

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