Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. April is National Jazz Appreciation Month. Are you a fan? If so what’s a favorite you’d recommend to someone new to jazz listening?

I like old Jazz. Lambert, Hendricks and Ross are my favorite This is one of their songs from 1962. It makes me smile every time I hear it!

2. Mandolin, ukulele, harp, accordion or banjo…which would you be most interested in learning to play? Or do you already play one of the instruments listed?

I do not play one of these, but I did play a flute. If I had any chance of learning, I’d play the Ukulele. I’ve always liked the way that sounded.

3. Do you judge a book by it’s cover? Elaborate. You may answer in either/both the literal or figurative sense of the word.

No I don’t. You see, I’ve learned in life that people protect themselves by putting on a brave face. And the biggest scars, the most painful are usually hidden from the world.

4. According to a recent study the ten most nutritious foods are-almonds, cherimoya (supposed to taste like a cross between a pineapple/banana), ocean perch, flatfish (such as flounder and halibut), chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, swiss chard, pork fat (shocking! but I don’t think they mean bacon), beet greens, and red snapper. Are any of these foods a regular part of your diet? Any you’ve never ever tasted? Which would you be most inclined to add to your diet?

I eat almonds almost daily. I love them. I also love fish and try to eat it at least once a week, although Jack isn’t as big a fan as I am. Not tasted Cherimoya or Chia seeds, and not a fan of swiss chard or beet greens.

5. Besides a major holiday what is the most recent thing you’ve celebrated with your people? Tell us how.

Jack and I celebrated our 30th Wedding Anniversary. Many young couples will think, oh heck, what’s the big deal? It’s not a 50th! But when you are married to someone who is 20 years your senior, when you reach a milestone like this it was so very special. We celebrated quietly and privately with a nice meal out and a bottle of champagne.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Not too much else is happening here. On Saturday I go to Mandy’s home to watch the children. I am so excited about that and I plan a day of fun, playing, and silliness! Pictures to follow!

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