Not Fair

Today the joke was on me. And all I can say to Mother Nature is, “Not Funny.”

I was a little late starting dinner. This means that at 5:30 I was looking at a few cookbooks wondering what culinary masterpiece I could pull off in the span of a half an hour.

I decided that I could probably muster up a baked French Onion Soup and a Salad Nicoise. I started to slice up the onions, when, all of a sudden, WHAM!

The mother of all hotflashes hit me. Now usually if I drink some ice water and rip off all the clothes on my body I start to cool off. Today that didn’t work. It was odd. I started to feel shakey and the sweating was worse and I realized I hadn’t had very much in the way of protien at either breakfast or lunch.

I was having a hotflash AND a low blood sugar attack!

I quickly drank a large glass of orange juice, while shoving some of the gruere cheese into my mouth, (a lovely combination, to be sure!) after about 15 minutes I was back to normal, but stood there soaking wet.

Now, I have to say, menopause is definately not all it is cracked up to be. First of all, the hotflashes, have nothing to reccomend them, to be sure. You think maybe you can stand it, but I have to tell you, no matter what people say about finally feeling warm in their old age, well this is like the devil on crack! Just too darn hot!

Then there is the emotion thing. Hmmm, that’s like PMS all the time. One minute you feel okay and the next you are crying like a baby!

And my metabolism? Yep, it’s a real drag. I went from having a fairly good one to having the metabolic rate of a turtle. A 95 year old turtle that is half dead! Not fair. At this time in a woman’s life you should at least be able to indulge in chocolate and not gain weight! Chocolate would help, I just know it would!

So I’m not happy, do you hear? I am not happy at all.

Time to hit the shower, oh yeah, and put some clothes back on.

7 thoughts on “Not Fair”

  1. Man that really sucks. I’ve only had one hotflash…well…maybe two or three, but I have nightsweats and fluctuating moods. That is if I stop taking my ‘stuff’. I take Shaklee’s soy protein and Menopause Balancing complex and it has kept me fairly balanced. This week I’ve been withdrawing from my Effexor and having a helluva time with it. Then my boss dumps on me late yesterday. [Yeah, love you too S***a. :0P]
    Today I”ve stopped my Effexor (I was at a low enough dose) and started on Shaklee’s St. Johns Wort product, just to get me thru the rest of the withdrawals and then I will stop it as well.
    Your body has been thru some changes of late and so it’s not unusual for you to have a massive flow of hormones periodically. Not to mention, having a drop in your BS. So, cheese and juice…yuck, but it worked!

    Hugs back to you MB…wish I was there to give it to you in person.


  2. Jack asked me what I was laughing at, it was hard to explain, so I just said “girl stuff”. I was laughing at the “95 year old turtle who is half dead” comment;)

  3. Sounds like something I’d really like to miss. Women get everything so rough! It’s not fair! What do guys get? An urge to buy a bloody sports car and a younger woman. We get all the crap. It’s not right. :\

  4. The last time I laughed at someone (Pat) who had symptoms of aging (she had to hold her menu far away to read it), I got the same symptoms not 3 weeks later. So I’m not going to laugh at you! Nope! Lord knows I’ll be friendless when this starts happening to me LOL!

  5. Menopause sucks!! I’ve been on HRT for almost 1.5 years and it’s helped. I couldn’t handle the hotflashes or night sweats. Not as much fun as they make it out to be!!!

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