The Sauerbraten was brined for the last few days. Early this afternoon, I turned the oven on a low temperature and started to cook it. The house is filled with the yummy scent of spicy Sauerbraten slowly cooking. I even went out and got a small bag of gingersnaps, so I could crumble a few into the gravy I will make from the juices.
Of course, this is a perfect day to do this. The rain is falling and it is cold and feels raw. So a wonderful Sauerbraten with mashed potatoes, red cabbage, and peas, is just what the doctor ordered to take the chill away!
Speaking of chill. I was correct when I reported that I’d broken the code with the new thermostats! It’s actually easy, once you understand certain things. Like setting an on for the heat and an off. The biggest problem is, that’s not the language used in either the instruction booklet or their online Youtube video! I just sort of stumbled upon it.
I hope you all will check out my new Comment button to the left of each entry! I am thrilled with that and I hope to hear from more of you over time.
I am remembered when I comment. This is good. I still had to click refresh to see the latest post. On your last post, I see there are five comments, but I can only see mine. Now what is Sauerbraten? Ok, bit like meatloaf, but a bit different. I think your cooking instincts might come to the fore when you make it.
Mmmmmm… I bet your kitchen smelled wonderful!! I saved the recipe and will get courageous one of these days!!