The Friday Five

The Friday Five

I cannot believe how quickly November is flying by. I felt I might have more time to prepare for my momentous birthday, which is tomorrow, but it seems I took a breath in and here we are!


The last couple of weeks have been filled with parties and luncheons, and mini celebrations. I have felt the love and the happiness around me and so I cannot complain at all.

So as we end this week, here are the five things I have been thinking about the most. There are probably more, but these are the ones I can think of as I sit here on Thursday night, looking at life.

1. I am so lucky to have such wonderful family and friends, who make me feel cherished and adored. Their love, their steadfastness has really made my life complete. You all know who you are, and each and every day I am thankful!

2.  I look back at some of the crazy things we’ve done along the way, like swimming out to a raft in stormy weather, or roasting on the beach, or riding our bikes to and over the Bourne Bridge, to some of the cooking experiments, shopping trips, sailing the Intracoastal Waterway, driving across the country in a motorcoach and back and the list goes on and on. Life has never been dull and filled with lots of laughter and smiles.

3. Giving birth to my girls has to be right up there too. First carrying them inside for 9+ months and then delivering them and seeing them for the first time!


Me with Mandy.

I’ve never known such exhilaration! My girls, my babies. Yes, I am so, so, lucky!

4. I found another great passion in my life too. One I never expected. Savannah and Quinn. Oh my goodness, how lucky I am to have these wonderful children in my life.

26176679767_ec855b9593_bI really adore them and being their Oma! It doesn’t get any better than this.

5. I also discovered my great love for dogs. Oh, I have always loved animals, but here I am with Arnie and Anneliese, who I have had from before their birth, and ever since.

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They are so amazing, know me better than any pet I have ever had and bring me such joy.


Yes, life is good and no matter if there is a bump in the road or a giant storm, if you look for the good it is always there. I know I have blessed with this life and at 60 (tomorrow!) the one thing I have learned is that yes, life is very good. You have only to look for your blessings.

I have looked and continue to find them!


Stop back tomorrow for my Birthday Blog Celebration!

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