Questions & Answers

I went down to watch my grandchildren on Sunday, and that was wonderful. We played a few interesting games. Twenty questions, Savi is so good at that. I told her she could ask me anything and I would answer her. This was interesting because she was interested in what I was like as a child.

She asked what I was most proud of having done when I was her age? Hmmm. Well, I was in the Community Theater’s production of “The Sound of Music”. I played Gretl.

I had a speaking part and lots of singing and dancing and well, just being your average 7 years old.

received_10153642605621499Yes, that really little girl is me!

img566Yep, that’s me with my mouth open again, singing!

And the local newspaper wrote a review where they praised my performance.

Sound of Music Reviews 2And when I showed her this article from 1966, she was so surprised and said: “Oma you are marvelous!”

It was a fun way to spend about an hour before Mandy came to tuck Savannah in.

Earlier in the day, I was showing Quinn a picture of me taken when I was his age. He looked at it and said: “Is that me?”

mb age 3Maribeth age 3.

66459503_10219661161781274_6148627794579423232_nQuinn age 3.

Yeah, I think we at least look related.

I just love spending time with my grandchildren! I learn something new every time! And I hope they can think the same thing.

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